Chapter 21- The Talk

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Jezebel's Pov
—4 weeks later—
"Aiden! Can you get me some pickles?" I yelled from the living room and heard him laugh and yell back a ok. I smiled watching tv while my arm was in a sling to take pressure off of my shoulder. Aiden soon came to the living room with a cup of pickles, I smiled when he sat down and handed them to me. I pecked his lips and started eating my pickles happily while watching tv.

"How do you like those things? There disgusting" he said and I gasped and I then smirked sitting my pickles down grabbing his face and kissing him and let him taste. He grabbed my hands and pulled away from me making a face.

"Ew. Ella, that was gross" he said and I laughed as he scrunched his nose up and wiped his mouth. I laughed harder and ate my pickles watching the tv intently. Then after I got done with my pickles I got up and threw the plastic cup away. When I went back in I took a deep breathe because I need to talk to Aiden about something important and I know it's going to be hard. But I'm not taking no for an answer!

"Aiden?" I said walking in he looked away from the tv pausing it and raising his perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. I sighed and sat next to him looking at him.

"When my shoulder heals or whenever the time comes, I'm going to help getting your aunt and grandma back" I said and Aiden groaned putting his head in his face.

"Ella, I though we talked about this?" He said pulling his face from his hands looking up at me with an annoyed look.

"You never said I could or not, but even if you say no I'm still going to help. You can't stop me" I said looking at my hands and then at Aiden who looked so annoyed and peed. In a flash I pushed down onto the couch my Aiden.

"You are doing no such thing as long as I'm alive. If you get hurt it'll be my fault! What if you get killed?! You know what. I've made my choice. You. Are. Not. Helping" he said while I tried to squirm out of his hold on my wrists.

"No! I'm still helping! Now let me go! Aiden let me go!" I yelled and he looked at me with hard eyes then his lips were on mine in a heated angry kiss. I kissed him back while he forced his tongue into my mouth making the kiss more heated. I groaned at he let my hands go putting them in my waist while mine went to his face and hair. We pulled away panting but while we didAiden tugged in my bottom lip then I touched my lips and found a little blood and I looked at Aiden's and his lips were swollen. I knew my lips were going to bruised from the kiss.

"You don't understand how I'll feel if something happens to you" Aiden whispered while his head was in mine. I was still breathing hard looking at Aiden's closed eyes. I grabbed his face and made him look at me, his eyes were filled with tears and I cooed at him and kissed under his eyes.

"Aiden. I'll be fine, I'm tougher that you make me out to be. I can help and I assure you, I won't get hurt" I said and he let a struggled sigh out putting his face into my neck hugging my waist and I put my arms around his neck while he silently cried into my shoulder.

"I just can't handle losing you Ella" he said and I smiled and rubbed his head while he moved his head from my neck to my chest.

"You won't Aiden" I said and he just sighed while I played with his hair making him relax.

"I swear everything will be fine. You'll see, everything will be ok and we will get your grandma and aunt back. I will do everything I can to help you" I said and he nodded digging his head more into my chest. I laughed at him and he raised his head off my chest and looked at me.

"What?" He asked with his Spanish accent that he barley shows while tilting his head looking at me innocently, I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Nothing. I was just laughing at your cuteness" I said smiling and he smiled and kissed my collarbone I sighed at our sweet moment and decided to do something rude for a sloppy second. I was playing with his hair and then I tugged on it moaning. He looked up his eyes darker.

"Why did you do that?" He asked his voice was a little deeper. I smiled innocently and titled me head.

"I didn't do anything baby" I said and cringed inside using 'baby' he groaned and I felt a bulge on my leg I blushed and smirked and rubbed his arms and chest. He moaned and groaned and I stopped smirking he opened his eyes and the bulge grew.

"Your such a tease" he mumbled getting up dusting his self off and I noticed his erection and I stifled a laugh. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Nice to know I have an effect on you" I laughed and he sighed looking down and at me smirking. He started walking to me slowly with a predatory look in his eyes and I gasped when he laid on top of me.

"What to see how much of an effect I have on you?" He huskily asked and I nodded out of breathe. He picked me up and took me up or his room laying m down crawling on top of me.

"Are you ready Ella? I don't want to hurt you. I mean-" I cut him off by kissing him hard he groaned and I pulled away while his eyes were closed.

"I'm fine Aiden. I want you to be my first even though I'm not your first. I love you" I said and his eyes widened when I said I loved him he then smiled pecking my lips.

"I love you too and your boobs are comfortable" he said while I blushed and you all probably know what we did next...
Hope you all liked this chapter!

Will Jezebel get hurt helping?

If she does how will Aiden react?

Will they get back Aiden's aunt and grandma?

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