part 24.

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"Let us continue yes?" The man before me asked from behind his desk.
I nod in agreement, wanting to get this over with.
"Tell me about the battle. About that destroyed city you mentioned earlier?"
"Yes the battle of Ordin. Sure. Start from the beggining where is... Ordin?"
"Its not so much of a place but... A time."
"Aha okay... Interesting."
I looked around the mans office. This was much more comfortable than the interogation room That most of these meetings took place in... I could tell he really wanted something from me... To make this effort to make sure I was confortable assured me of this.
"Who were the Belligerents?"
"Well. My force of only 10,000 rebel soldiers faced the establishmebt in the streets of Ordin."
"The establishment?" He pryed.
"Yes. Society." I responded.
"So... Who were these rebels?"
Along with some of the citizens of Ordin... My friends. My brothers. And a few traitors... Well More than a few."
"Okay. Good."
We sat in silence as he finished taking a few notes.

"Now what role did you play in the battle? Specifically?"
I thought for a moment wonder what he could possibly mean.
I zoned in and looked at him.
"Uhm. I fought along side the rebellion against the establishment. Against normalcy."
He quickly jotted that down and looked back up seeimg quite... Annoyed.
"So you openly admit you partook in that event and sided with the Rebellion."
I nodded my head.
"I LED the Rebellion."
I correct him angrily.
"That makes a lot of sense. That is why they are looking for you now. Do you have any idea how idiotic that truly is?"
"They are the enemies of freedom. The enemies of change doctor..."
"They are the very thing that holds your perception of the world together! Without them you would know unlimited knowledge. You would become one with everything!
They hold human society together! They hold your entire life in the realm of reality!"
"Exactly." I uttered.
"Mmm okay continue."
"Uhhhh... Me and my brothers squad was the first to enter the city."
"We expected heavy resistance... We knew that the first to breach would most likely not make it."
Withing seconds we were under heavy fire, waiting for the rest of the rebellion to reinfoce us but... They did not. Not quick enough anyway. Within minutes I was surpressed under extreamly high pressure... Holding the many wounds of my brother, trying desperately to save him while the blood spilled to the dirt..."
The man stopped writing... Completely uninterested at the thought of my brother.
"What happened next?"
"Well the resistance came... The establishment never expected our numbers... And just in time to save my life... They came... It was. Too late for my brother though."
This time the man behind the desk did write something down but of course I had no way of seeing what it was he was writing so I did not even think about it.
"Okay. The traitors show up and save you. How about after that?"
I thought about what happened after that. God It has been so long. What did happen?
"I walked.... I took a bit of time to reflect."
"And this was when the rebellion sparked... Your force of 10,000 inspired more than 100,000 citizens of Ordin to revolt against their leaders."
He finished my sentence for me.
"Our forces allied with the majority of Ordin and overwhelmed the over confident enemy force."
I paused again and waited in silence trying to think of the event that happened all those years ago.
"I returned to battle. Newly inspired by the uprising that had occured."
"Did you feel the need to fight to avenge your brothers death?"
"Well to say that would imply that I lacked the will to fight in the first place... And if that were true then I would not have agreed to be bait fot the success of the resistance."
"Okay... But-"
"Yes... My brothers death did have an effect... I did want revenge for the very personal lost that I had to witness first hand."
"Mmm okay." The man responded.
"Continue?" He then asked.
"We fought. We fought hard."
"Yes... We know." He glared at me.
I Stared off towards the dark bland wall.
"Tell me what else Happened Ian?"
He leaned forward and folded his hands together on the desk.
"No... Nothing else happened." I stated zoning back in enough to hear his question.
The man silently stared at me. Waiting for me to speak.
"I don't... I don't know." I stuttered.
The man responded with more silence.
My eye twitches as he stares at me... Then leans back onto his chair.
"The city was destroyed... Ian... It burned in the flames of war... Demolished from battle."
"In case you didn't know... There was only one survivor."
I nodded my head.
"Are you going to let me tell you what happened or are you wasting my time trying to tell me the facts?"
"Tell me what else happened then."
I froze... Silent again.
I had not thought my words out wisely.
Truth is I did not want to tell him what else I saw that day all those years ago...

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