Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Final Draft

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(the following Monday)

The familiar tan walls of Mr. Kelsall's classroom had made me wish I wasn't here anymore. The room itself was giving me anxiety. I sat at one of the chairs, bouncing my leg anxiously as Mr. Kelsall and Mrs. Fay read through the script. They were reading the fifteenth version of the script and I was on the verge of tears because of how sick I was of editing it.

A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump and turn. I've been was so jumpy lately. I fear the Challenge is the cause of it. I saw Toby giving me a reassuring grin. I gave a small smile back.

"It's all good," he whispered in my ear. "The score's finished and the songs are almost all written."

He sat down next to me as I stared at him in astonishment. "You finished it?"

He nodded excitedly. "Wha-what? You finished it before I finished the script?"

Again, Toby nodded excitedly. "I want you to listen to it, though. I have it all on a CD. I'll give it to you when we're done here."

"Who'd you get to sing it?"

"There's an automated singing voice on the program we used to write it. It actually works really well."

"Oh my god, that's awesome!" I shook his shoulders. Toby chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"It is."

"Wait, where's Taylor?"

"She's in the bathroom. She'll be here."

"Wow," Mr. Kelsall said. I looked over at him.

"Well?" Clayton asked from behind me. He was sitting on one of the desks with his arms crossed. Brian was copying his position on the desk next to him. Amia was perked up in her seat while Becca bit her nails quietly. "How is it?"

Before he could answer, Kasey walked in with his camera. "Mind if I get some photos?"

"Go ahead," I agreed.

"Thanks." He smiled.

Mr. Kelsall and Mrs. Fay closed the scripts. "What do you think?"

Mrs. Fay and Mr. Kelsall shared a look that I couldn't read. Kasey took a photo the students. I was on the edge of my seat like I was waiting to hear whether or not my life was over. In a sense, I was, or at least it felt like it.

Finally, Mr. Kelsall spoke. "I love it."

"Me too," Mrs. Fay agreed with a smile.

I shot up from my seat, threw my fist in the air, and danced around. "Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!"

I heard my teachers laughing. I jumped around. "Finally! Thank God, we can finally get to real work! I can finally set up auditions, get voices, finalize props!" I slapped my hand on the desk Clayton was sitting on and gawked my teachers in the eye. "Do you realize just how much easier this makes my life?" Now my classmates were laughing. Toby had the biggest grin on his face as he watched me dance like a fool. I pulled him from his seat. "Come on! Celebrate!"

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