Chapter Thirty-Three: The Tension

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(After the flight)

"Ladies and gentlemen," Captain John announced over the speaker. "Thank you again for flying with American Airlines. We are successfully back on the ground. You are free to gather up your belongings and exit the plane. Enjoy your stay in the Big Apple!"

"Believe me, I'll try," I mumbled under my breath.

Jeremy laughed as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "By far the best plane ride I've ever been on in a while."

"Really?" I followed his actions and undid my own belt. "You think pointing out people and trying to mimic their voices is fun?"

"Definitely. I never have that much fun anymore. I'm always traveling in planes where literally only the excitement you experience is the moment you get off the plane. You, Miss Olivia, made me remember what it's like to be thirty-two again."

"....Well, I'm not thirty-two, but thanks."

When I stood up from my seat, I looked around. Eliza was waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

You good? she mouthed.

I grinned. Oh, yeah.

She cocked an eyebrow at me but didn't say anything. Jeremy and I were at the very back of the plane, so we'd be last to get off.

The line wasn't moving.

"This is just peachy," Jeremy commented.

"Could be worse," I suggest. He looked at me funny. I continued with a serious expression. "One of us could've farted."

Jeremy had to sit back down and cover his mouth to keep from creating a scene. I consider that as an accomplishment.

After a few more minutes of waiting and giggling like a school girl, Jeremy told me, "You might as well sit down again, kid. There must be a problem or something up front."

"Yeah, you're probably right." I sat back down. I fiddled with my phone for a while. By the time I had texted my parents to say we had landed, scrolled through my Instagram, Twitter, gotten a response from my parents, checked and updated the class' Twitter, Jeremy and I were still seated at the back of the plane.

"What is taking so long?" Jeremy thought aloud. He stood up and tried to see further up, but failed to catch anything that would help him understand the dilemma. He slid back into his seat with a frown. An idea popped into my head.

"Hey, Jeremy?" I asked.

"What is it, kid?" He glanced at me.

"Could I get a photo with you?" I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. I wasn't sure why I felt so shy at this moment. I had already spent three hours with the man.

Jeremy perked up like a dog at the mention of a treat. "'Course! I'd be happy to!"

I looked and smiled. "Great!" I pulled up my camera. "I think it'd be a great start of my New York trip thread I'm creating."

"Thread?" Jeremy repeated.

"On Twitter, I'm gonna record all of the days I spend in New York City. Meeting you puts me at the great start."

I saw a hint of red appear on Jeremy's cheeks. I smiled.

"Well, kid," Jeremy rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not as remembered as I used to be."

"I don't care! I think you're awesome and I want a photo with you."

"Well, I'm not quite sure the kids your age with being as excited to see me—"

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