Chapter Twenty: The Sudden Help

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Keep it to yourself, I told myself. Denver doesn't need to hear about any issues we have.

"Hey, Maria," I greeted with a very pathetic smile. A part of me was shocked that she was willing to face me after sending that email. "Long time, no see."

She responded with a slightly chuckle. "I know, right. How's the play coming along?"

"I would assume you know with you going to the meetings."

"I got nothing to do so what's the point of listening?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, we'll find something for you to do. We always need help."

"Anything I can help with now?" she asked jokingly. The look she gave me told me she was serious. She really wanted to help now. But with the lack of people and production, I couldn't give her anything.

I looked at the giant stack of papers that I knew as the script. No way I'd give her that. Next to it was the familiar yellow spiral notebook that held the list of numbers I needed to call and emails that I needed to send messages to. I picked it up and flipped through the pages. I mean, I wrote down what I needed to talk to them about. I'm not so sure about giving her the numbers. But the emails? Perhaps.

"Uh," I flipped through a couple more pages, still deciding on what to do. Trust issues are complex with me and her. Either I'll regret it or wonder why I didn't let her do this earlier. I mean, if she messes up, I can always find other people...right? "wanna send some emails?"

She perked up. "Sure!"

I was taken back by her response. I fumbled for the papers. "Uh, okay. I've got what needs to be sent. I've practically written the email itself. It just needs sending. Want me to send them to you or read them off?"

"Send them to me. I don't want to be in yours and Denver's hair any longer." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. He slaps her arm. I stop and look at her, my cheeks turning a dark crimson.

"Shut up," Denver stuttered. Maria laughs.

"Just send them to me." I nod slowly and she leaves.

Denver rubs the side of his temple. I'm still frozen to my seat. "I'm sorry about her. She's been really weird lately."

"Mm-hm," I agreed quietly. I cleared my throat and returned to my work. As I split the screen on the computer and set up an email to Maria, I said, "It's no problem, really. It's not like I haven't seen worst." He laughed. I realize that I insulted his sister. "Oh, um, I didn't mean to sound rude."

He shocked his head and smiled. "It's okay. I don't care."

"Still, she's your sister. I shouldn't talk bad about Maria in front of you."

I was avoiding eye contact with Denver, focusing on the email and copying things down.

"Hey," Denver said. I was listening but didn't look at him. "Look at me."

I slowly looked at the screen. There, I saw Denver smiling sweetly at me. A smile I've learned to adore. "There's not need to beat yourself over it. I make fun of Maria all the time. It's what siblings do."

"But I'm not a sibling," I argue. "I'm your friend. Friends don't make fun of other friend's siblings. It's not right."

"I don't mind," Denver says with a laugh. "Call her what you want."

"Dang, Denver," I give a small chuckle. "You sure know how to spread the love."

"What can I say? I'm great with the ladies."

I almost fall out of my chair from laughing so hard. "What the hell, Denver? That's your sister!"

Denver realized what he had said and stopped smiling. "Oh shit. Oh my God, what did I just say?"

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