Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Goodbyes

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I walked—arms linked—with Eliza's the entire way to the airport and I carried her duffel bag for her. Denver walked on the other side of me, so I carried his backpack for him. Tommy called me crazy for carrying all of that stuff, but I only took his drum bag and said, "I guess you should put me a mental hospital, then."

"I'd visit you everyday," Denver said.

"I'd break you out," Eliza added.

"Those are the people I know and love." I smiled.

Tommy held the door open for me and made silly jokes the whole time, Eliza never left my side, and Denver, well, Denver had done all kinds of good for me this morning. Standing there with them around me, I realized that wasn't ready for them to leave.

"Do you have to?" I asked aloud, not really directing the question towards anyone.

"Leave? I'm afraid so," Denver replied. I looked at him. His eyes were sad, but he tried to make them kind. "I'm sorry."

"I'll call you everyday," Eliza promised.

"And I'll send you pictures of school so you can still see us," Tommy added.

"I'll video chat you whenever you want," Denver added as well.

"Flight 35 to Des Moines, Iowa will be boarding five minutes," the woman's voice in the sky announced with much monotone.

"That's us," Mr. Wires sighed. I was taken by surprise when he full-out hugged me, tight. "You're gonna do great, kid. Don't sweat it. Shoot me a message if you need anything, you hear?"

I nodded. "I can always count on you."

"Damn straight," he mumbled, pulling me closer. He was the best teacher I could ever have. I could feel myself becoming lost as his mentor-like presence was slowly disappearing. He pulled away from me. "You got this, Olivia. Don't doubt yourself."

"I got it." I nodded one more time. "Keep things under control while I'm gone, eh?"

He laughed. "I'll try. I'll see you at home."

"I'll see you at home," I mused. As he moved to speak to Toby and Taylor, I swear I noticed his eyes glazed over.

"Yo," Gabe greeted. I turned and looked to him. "you know I'm gonna miss you."

"As I will you," I replied. We hugged.

"Hey, kick some ass, make me proud."

I smirked. "Got it, dude."

He winked and walked towards Toby.

Kasey came from no where and hugged me from behind. I turned around, still in his clasp, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll send you the photos I took over the season, eh?"

"I'd love that, thank you," I agreed. "I'll need them as much as possible."

"We'll be here when you come home," he promised. "We'll be here for anything."

"I'll be needing a lot of things when I get home," I said. "I'll need rest, food, my family, my friends, all kinds of support, and probably even a therapist."

"I'm perfect to provide any of those." He chuckled and I joined.

"Take care if Denver, will you? Keep him in check."

"As long as you watch for my sister. Olivia, I know she's a bitch, but she's still my sister. I gotta make sure she's doing okay. Just make sure she eats, that she's getting enough sleep. She hasn't doing that very well these past few weeks."

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