I have the guy I'm so madly in love with
And when I'm with him
You never happened
When he touches me
I don't get flustered
A bit of anxiety
But after what I've been through
I don't think that'll ever go away
But he isn't you
He's him
And I love him
I wouldn't trade him for you
In a million years
And this?
What I have with him?
Has the potential to be so much more
So that's what I'm going for
Not a temporary cure for loneliness
Not fooling around because we're bored
Not acting like neither of us care
But an honest to God relationship
Where he cares about me
Where he doesn't act like I don't mean shit to him when he sees me
Because I deserve better
No matter what anyone has told me
I deserve someone who actually gives a fuck how I'm doing
And he deserves better
Better than the likes of me
So I try everyday to be someone he deserves
Slick Depression
RandomI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...