"why did you ever think you would be worth his time?"
"you can't do this"
"get off your ass you lazy piece of-"
"- what's 1212 divided by 4444?"
"he never loved you. you always fall for the ones who don't care"
"what if he doesn't love you? what if you put all this effort in and he realizes he never loved you?"
"you should probably get up and be productive"
"why are you moving?? stay here where its warm and no one is judging you or watching you"
"you're a lazy waste of space. GET UP"
"How are you? Its been forever!"
"I'm a lazy waste of space who will never accomplish anything because I cant commit to anything and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is using me like everyone else in my life."
"I'm good, thanks! How are you?"

Slick Depression
RandomI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...