Just because you know the parts of my relationship that I complain about
Or the parts that you deem 'not right'
Doesn't mean you know the whole situation.
You don't know about the way he is respectful
He is the first guy I've been interested in who is really, truly respectful.
You don't know about the way he wants to be the best boyfriend he can possibly be.
You don't know about all the anxiety attacks he's calmed me from.
Or about the times he's fucked up and fixed it as best as he could
But most of all
You don't know how much he loves me
How good we are together
The sarcastic arguments we have
Or made up bullshit stories
And trying new foods just to see our reactions
The crappy movies we watch just to make fun of them
You know the bad parts,
The ones you don't think are healthy
But you don't know the good
You really don't know our relationship

Slick Depression
SonstigesI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...