Welcome to my home.
Its a bit messy right now but I've had some work done.
Right through here you'll find the kitchen.
Now it's a little messy but that's just the cook.
He's not here often but when he is, it's chaotic.
And straight through to the back room where all the laundry is done.
Not much to see there so let's head back through the kitchen and see the living room.
So in the living room we have your essentials, couches, chairs, TV, fireplace, the works.
Up stairs you have three bedrooms, one converted to an office.
Through that door you have the bathroom, this is the medicine cabinet filled with your run of the mill anti anxiety medications, anti depressants, OCD medication, and many more.
Now the tub is little stained from the nights spent digging out the bugs under my skin.
You just have to look past the dim lighting and blood stains to understand the beauty of this house.
Moving on to the master bedroom, this is where it gets messy.
Right in the corner is the bed, the dresser next to it.
Don't mind the writing on the walls, it gets a little crazy in here sometimes.
Through here is the en-suite; more medications, normal washroom stuff.
Back into the bedroom you'll notice a chest in the far left corner, that contains all the memories, anxieties, night terrors, and basically everything that fuels the seemingly random scribbles on the walls.
Down the hall to the office, where all the business is conducted, and believe you me, there is a lot.
And that concludes our tour of my home.
Its a little messy and we don't go in the third bedroom due to fire damage and there are stains and the wallpaper is a little wrecked but it's a home and it's mine.
It has seen me through my toughest times and loneliest nights, I am grateful for the comfort I have found here and I can't imagine living anywhere else.
I hope you won't think less of me for knowing what a mess my mind is and I thank you for taking the time for this tour.

Slick Depression
RandomI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...