You don't know what you really want
Until you're presented with it
And until then
You are perfectly happy with what you have
Because you don't know any better
That's what you said on our second date
You told someone who spent months trying to convince you to give dating a shot
A person who is so madly in love with you
And who you promised time and time again you loved them
That you aren't even sure I am what you want
You said you love me
You said you want to spend your life with me
And then that you don't really know what you want
Slick Depression
AcakI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...