You are perfect to me.
Not the type of perfect where I don't see your flaws- because I do
The type of perfect where it doesn't matter that you're flawed
Because I love you
I love you for who you are.
Your bad spelling and grammar
The way you slur your words even when you're completely sober.
You are perfect for me.
You get me in a way I never thought anyone would
You fill my heart with happiness while being the most annoying person on the planet
You spent ten minutes prying the fact that I don't want you to be friends with your ex out of me only to spend another ten assuring me nothing would happen.
You mean so much to me
I don't want you to leave for a long long time.
-- What I should have said on Valentines Day.

Slick Depression
AléatoireI pour my heart and soul into you. I give you my time. My money. My love. My trust- something I don't give freely And I'm still not enough. **gets better as you go, I promise** Inspired by @revengeavenue Self Restoration. Amazing poems in there...