The discussion with Jaxton!

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"Jaxton get your ass into my room immediately!!" I yelled through the wall.(My parents weren't home so I could swear and the younger kids were at school still) he walked looked at my face and tried to walk out, but I wasn't letting him get away. I pushed him back into my room and this conversation happened.

"Why the hell do you think I'm gay!" I yelled

"I don't think I know." Jaxton replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at that comment.

"What is the reason that makes you think that I'm gay?" I questioned

"Seriously do you think that your twin of all people would t be able to tell that your gay! Just admit it already I don't care if you are gay or straight or a fucking pineapple at that!" He yelled that at me but I knew it was true.

"But the thing is I am gay well technically Bi but one 'same thing' and two I don't want anyone to know okay." I was almost in tears at this point.

"One I know your gay and two your secret is safe with me okay sis?" He said while engulfing me into a hug. His hugs were the best and even though we were the same age he always seemed like my big brother.

"Okay I love you." I simply said

"I love you too sis, but seriously girls are great huh? Hahaha" he laughed out.

"Yeah they are. Hahaha" I laughed back.

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