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   After school I stayed in my room until it was time to go to dance. My phone rang before I left my house. Oh no it better not be Jaxton.(the last time he called me while he was at dance he had twisted his ankle) It was Autumn(thank god it wasn't Jaxton).

*Phone Conversation*
Zoe-Z         Autumn-A

Z~ Hey Autumn what's up?

A~ Hey Zoe I was just wondering if you could pick me up before you go to dance?

Z~ Yeah just let me go ask my mom.

*one minute goes by*

Z~ She said yes. Just text me your address I forgot it. Haha.

A~ Okay thank you I'll text you here in a minute and I'll see you when you get here. Bye!

Z~ Okay, see you soon. Bye!

*End of  Phone Conversation*

  Autumn texted me her address and we left. We picked her up. We got to the dance studio, and Amelio smirked at me when he saw that Autumn and I walked in together.(Not together that way but together. Ugh! You know what I mean!) I blushed and and looked him in the eye and mouthed "No! We're just friends!" Then I got a small frowns. He noticed my frown and mouthed for us to talk later. I nodded and Autumn and I walked to the dance room we were using. (Thank god we were able to stay in my normal dance room.)

  We were half way through the third time doing the dance, when Amelio walked in. He walked in just in time to see the second lift.(Which was his favorite) The look on his face was priceless. It was a mixture of being amazed and shocked all at the same time. We finished the dance, looked at each other and burst out laughing. Amelio looked me in the eye and smirked. Then he stared talking,

"It's really good, but I feel like something's missing." He smirked even more if that was possible after he said that. Oh no.

"What??" Autumn and I asked in sync with confusion and worry.

"I think something needs to be added." Amelio said a smirk still on his face.

"What do you think is missing?" Autumn asked.

"Well I think it needs to be more intimate, more happy at the ending." Amelio explained.

"Well what do you want added to the dance?" Autumn asked.

"Well if you guys are comfortable with it. Maybe a kiss on the lips or even the cheek at the end of the dance." Amelio asked and I glared at him.

"Well I'm fine with either as long as Zoe is." Autumn responded to Amelio's suggestion. I was in complete and totally shock at that.

"Um... yeah... I'm fine w-w-with that." I stuttered while blushing.

"Okay now let's have you run through that again and add the kiss at the end. And GO!" Amelio yelled the end part.

"Okay wait is the kiss in the lips or the cheek?" Autumn asked while blushing a little I think.

"Which ever you guys feel more comfortable with." Amelio explained

"Okay well how about we just see how both look. And we can start with the kiss on the cheek and let's see based on how we end the dance it would make more sense if Zoe kissed my cheek and/or lips." Autumn said slightly blushing. Why was she blushing? She doesn't like me like that, right?

"Okay let's do this dance two more times and Amelio can you please record it so that we can see it?" I asked.

"Sure let me grab the camera." And with that Amelio left the room to get the camera.

"So are you sure you're okay with this? Because we don't have to do the kiss of you don't want." Autumn asked me.

"I'm completely fine with this. What made you think I'm not?" I asked her.

"Well you were stuttering and acting a little off when the topic was brought up." She said.

"Well it's just... You see I've done dances like this before but with a guy and they've ended with a kiss before but I've never had a dance like this w-w-with a g-g-girl." I said while blushing and looking down.

"Okay so. You're gay so you haven't kissed your girlfriend or ex girlfriend before?" Autumn asked me and I almost cried. (I'm usually not this emotional)

"N-N-No I've never k-k-kissed a girl b-before." I said quietly and kept my head down.

I felt her fingers lift my head up and looked me in eye. She said,

"How could someone as amazing as you, never been kissed by a girl?" She moved her fingers and held my hand.

"I'm not amazing. I'm a nerd and no one could ever like me." I said

"You are amazing and being a nerd is good. Anyone would be lucky to like or have you." Autumn told me looking me right in the eye.

"Thank you." I said while blushing.

Then Amelio walked in and said,

"Let's get this started!"

"Okay!" Autumn and I yelled in sync.

We did the dance for the first time with the kiss on the cheek at the end first and we watched the video. It turned out okay but we decided to see what the dance would look like with the kiss on the lips at the end.

We did the dance for the second time with the kiss on the lips. When it got to the kiss and I kissed her I have to admit I felt some sparks. Okay a lot of sparks. I know what a cliché. We watch the video and it looked so much better with the kiss on the lips at the end.

It was time for everyone to go home so I called my dad instead of my mom.

*Phone Conversation with Dad*

D~ Dad Z~ Zoe

Z~ Hey Dad I was wondering if you could pick me up instead of mom.

D~ Yeah I can pick you up I'll be there in 10-20 minutes. Love you bye.

Z~ Love you too bye.

*End of Phone Conversation*

My Dad picked me up about 15 minutes later and we went through a drive thru so that I could have some food. 🌯🌯.

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