The Decision...

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"Okay well I see that you got over 5 fellow students that want to join and I would like to look over your plan." My guidance counselor said. I nodded and handed him a folder.

It has been over an hour and everyone and I were sitting outside of the guidance counselor's office. Finally he walked out and said

"I will have to go over it with the principal, but I think it's a great idea and I approve of everything in here (he gestured towards the folder) and I will be happy to see this team come together and to help in anyway possible." I couldn't believe it. We went to the principal office right away. I was so happy.

"Mrs. Holitly we have a question we'll more of a idea. Well you see my friends and I would like to start a dance team here at Quinnlyville high school. We talked to Mr. Levings and he will be in charge of most things and my friends said that I should be the coach/captain but I really hope that we can start this. It's just students here need somewhere to go to be themselves and through dance no one can judge at all." I explained.

"I understand everything about it. It's just I don't know if we have money in the budget." She told me with an actual look of sorrow.

"I can pay for most of the things that they will need." A voice spoke from behind me. It was Mr. Levings.

"And my parents can help." I said and everyone agreed with me that their parents can help out.

"Okay fine but we will need permission slips from the students that wish to join." She said with a smile.

"Thank you so much we will get that all set up and I will e-mail you what Mr. Levings and I talked about." I said and we then finally went to class.

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