Syrene's mind

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"Vik come on! you should respect my decision the way I always did." I realised I yelled.

But the voice from the opposite is worst.

Vicky is shouting like hell. He's furious, he wants revenge cause he can't take the break up thing, he said that himself.
I couldn't do better than hanging the phone on his face. I sat on the bed in the dark room. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Was thinking how wrong I was about Vicky.
My phone blinked once and vibrated. It was Ray. I opened it, he wished me goodnight with a smiley. I wiped my tears and smiled. I typed the same and pressed the send button.

The next morning:
I woke up with the sound of my phone shouting out loud. I took the phone opened one eye and the screen the displayed its Su.
Picked up the call and heard Su saying "Wake up sleepy head! Time to rise and shine"
Before I could say anything she started again with excitement "Hey listen! Matt and I made a plan. Tomorrow we are heading to Driftwood beach honey. Buckle up! And listen Babe I'm not gonna take no as an answer"
I gulped and asked her to slow down. I was excited too but I wasn't sure when Su courted 'we'.Who's going with us? And most importantly who's gonna pay!
I was about to ask when Su said on the other side "Why are you silent? Babe don't worry Matt and Ray are going to pay for the whole trip. They just wanted some company,so I offered us as company".
I sighed,and answered her "Ok,but I have to figure something out about mom".
Su- Okay see you in the evening. Please I need an yes for an answer. Bye.
I kept the phone greeted good morning to mom. And then I got ready made some pancakes served them with chocolate sauce and whipped cream to mom and myself. Swallowed most of it in hurry. Packed some for lunch and rushed for office. I work in a real estate company in the PR. This is my regular routine.

That evening:
I entered the cafe. My eyes glared around and there I found our group. Su was chirping and all of them were chatting and sipping there coffee. I waved them 'hi' and walked towards the counter to get my coffee.
My phone vibrated its Ray, he said he'll be late a bit. But why he's informing me! I was astonished. Once again my phone vibrated but this time my hands were cold cause its Vik and again he threatened me by saying "Bitch I'm gonna hunt you down and ruin your life".
I was shocked by the sudden touch on my shoulder I turned around, it's Su. I hugged her and explained everything about the text from Vik. She listened with patience.

We were walking towards the table just then Ray entered and waved to everyone gave me a cute smile of his. I looked down but I was observing him from the corner of my eye. We settled down.
Miranda went to the washroom with Sandy and there was no one at the table except the four of us. So Su took the chance and grabbed my shoulder with a jerk with excitement. She said lowering her tone "Guys tell Syrene about the car you have booked".
I hissed towards her saying in amusement car! Are we going by a car?
Ray was chuckling so far but now he made a rhyme "Swift desire,set on fire"

Matt suddenly spoke out "Guys I booked it so you girls just have to pack your bags and we will pick you up on time". Since I was silent all these time Su looked at me and said "Babe! Please say you have figured something already".
I nodded my head, and everyone smiled. But apart from all discussions Vik's threatening text was bugging me on and off, I was thinking about it all the time. But Su knew about it that was a relief for me.

Authors note
Hey you guys ! I hope you all are enjoying. I'm sorry if its boring at first but I promise the coming chapters are more fun .You won't be missing out anything.There's love,romance,friendship,betrayal and many more. Please support me as I need your love cause this is my first story on wattpad.
The next chapter will be all about Ray and Syrene.

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