The new dawn

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I found myself entangled between Ray's soft touch. The morning made me feel more alive. The sunlight was more radiant than ever,when I looked outside the window it reminded me that I was still on the trip. Continuous roars of the waves were more peaceful. I turned towards Ray, he slept like a little baby. His arms wrapped around my stomach, his legs were stretched and he looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him up. I cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. I was planning to get up, breath some fresh air but the first thing what I wanted was to check on Suzanne Donovan. That girl didn't even wake me up once after her fancy beach- walk or whatever!

So I slowly tried to move Rays hand from my body but I failed. The reasons were, well first it was so damn heavy duh! what was I thinking? and second he surprised me as always with a sleepy grin of his, which said that the devil is awake.

Good morning there sunshine! Was the first sentence I get to hear after we made out a bit last night. Which wasn't creepy or bad in anyway.

I got up, stretched my arms inhaled and filled my lungs with the fresh air and returned the favor by wishing him good morning back.
It was the second morning of our trip and the last day of course! Which gave me a combined feeling, I was partly happy and partly sad. Well, happy cause I came close to Ray plus enjoying myself after a long time and unhappy cause I was afraid from the unknown feeling which was so differently scary.
After the small talk I opened the door the salty intoxicating fragrance was lingering in the air. I stepped out of the room and headed towards the official girl's cottage. But I reached near the window I saw Su and Matt sleeping beside each other. Their fingers were laced perfectly, their faces were so delightful that I couldn't help but adore them. I was smiling by myself just then Matt opened his eyes and I waved to him. I mouthed him to open the door as I didn't want to disturb Su. He opened, we both exchanged a welcoming smile and wished each other. I used the washroom after collecting my stuffs.

Syrene's Pov:
Why are you looking so dull Syrene? Is the first thing I could say it to myself. My eyes were puffy my hair was so messy and god I got some dark circles or what !
Stop it. Brush your teeth get fresh you'll be good.
I can't take my eye off from Ray o my god !
Ray is more ravishing under the morning Sun or I'm too taken by his charm may be. Both of them are not good for me I cursed myself under my breath. Ray is watching the sea under the umbrella and his back is facing me. I stepped out of the room to company him after my shower. And I was stepping forward but I heard Su's voice so I went back. She was all chirpy and glowing. She wished me along with a smirk and I knew she cooked something last night.
Up for tea you guys? Matt asked holding the intercom. I nodded and stepped out of the room.
I tapped Rays shoulder god I wanted to hug him instead. But I'm sure truly I didn't want this. So I maintained my distance.
Syrene- what are you looking at big guy?
Ray- I'm just trying to see beyond the obvious. He said with the same old smile on his face.

The world feels simpler when I see him smiling.

Syrene- Well you speak good. But I came here to invite you for the morning tea. Care to join?
Ray- Sure. After you.

After the breakfast session. We all decided to do something fun. But the description of fun was dissimilar for each of us. Suzanne wanted to explore the beach play with the sea where Matt followed her. And I was having fun sitting underneath the umbrella sipping my pina colada and staring at the endless sea. Ray was napping in his room so we all left for our own enjoyment. Su forced me begged me cursed me but I was not convinced that time to leave my seat I had an explanation for myself that the sun was radiating scorching heat. But Su won't listen cause she will be beautiful even after the tan. So I skipped the explanation part and ignored her with my love and bribed her with my warm hug.

I had my shades on. The cold cocktail of mine was refreshing me with every sip. Ray came out of his room with messy hair, took a chair and joined me with his small dark puffy eyes.

"Hey beautiful! What are you planning to do now?"

"Nothing handsome I'm just enjoying this gorgeous sea. You care to join?"

"So we are exchanging nicknames is it ? Good I like it".

I smiled at him. He ordered a bottle of bourbon whiskey.

"So beautiful what's next apart from getting drunk?"

"I don't know but I'm too lazy to get up and do something rather I would enjoy the sea from afar."

Suddenly Ray came close to me cupped my face with his hands and said "you know love there must be something so inevitable about you that you made me sit here with you now when I wanted to explore the driftwood. There must be something very special about you"... "there must be"....... he repeated the same line. The look in his eyes were bleak it was full of an unknown fear. I didn't dared to take out my shades cause I didn't want to show my emotions so easily.

Ray's Pov:
"She is so magnificent. Her beautiful black thick hair was all over her face. Her face is bright, she is so fair that it seems she just tinted her cheeks rosy pink. She is humble humorous decent generous intelligent funny, to me she stood among the crowd. Why her expressions are so innocent? She is so good to be true. Why within such a short span I'm getting too attached to her!"

Suddenly my face felt warm, my heart started beating so fast. Sweat started to strike down. I was fearing the demon inside me. That demon will not give me permission to tie knot with Syrene but at the same time the demon won't let her go either.
The demon was created years ago when I revealed the name of my crush once during my high school and my father Brandon Bateman slapped hard on face and made me swore to marry the girl of her choice. He was one of the known business tycoon among the city. It will be another business deal like my elder sister Edna faced. She cried shouted screamed out, even begged to father but father was stubborn. He made Edna marry Ruskin Jenkins, the single heir of Jenkins and co. The very rich one who gives Edna everything but love. They have a two year old boy Jason. But they are still not happy, my sister taught herself to compromise.

I decided to leave his house and thought of making my own life in my own way but my mother Pearl Bateman held my hand she requested me not to do anything which insults my father's reputation in society. She knew I will never disobey her.

My father loved me and his family in every possible way but he was a very rigid man with his own ethics. He always closed his eyes and ears towards every family members emotion. He always concentrated on decisions which fitted properly for his pride and business.

And now here I'm so close to the feeling which can damage everything. The feeling is too strong for Syrene that I wish I could spend my life with her but I know its not possible. Nevertheless her presence is dragging me towards her.
I should stop myself from being close but why I can't?
No more secrets now I said it to myself. I would say Syrene that we can be close but we shouldn't think of our future together.
There she is sitting I will go talk to her about this.

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