Chapter 2

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By the time it was well into the morning I was rereading the fourth diary entry Reaver wrote. I was admirable of the way he immediately knew I was not like most people who had come to seek him and his help. I was not very admirable of the way he attempted to sell me back to Lucien and abandon us on the shore. Yet even through all that some part of me was still intrigued and rather taken with him.
I am not in love with the Reaver everyone knows and "loves", nor the man he used to be. I'm fond of the man in the middle. He's strong, powerful, and passionate, but not corrupt,murderous, or sex-obssessed.
I ended my pondering and gathered my things. I dragged the decrepit wardrobe away from the door and walked out into the muggy air that reeked of death.
I, as well as some other citizens of Bloodstone, had caught wind of Reaver's return from Samarkand. Which, according to the note he left when I purchased his home, meant that he was going to kill me.
I fought my way through Wraithmarsh, still unable to shake the tragedy of the dead village from my mind, especially the orphanage.
The fog in the air slowly began to fade away, easing my mind of any upcoming banshee attacks. The cold ground progessiveky became more and more solid and soon I was in the graveyard again. I stopped as I stared down the path I took yesterday, the thoughts of that orphanage still stirring in the back of my mind. I shook my head and continued back to Bloodstone.
Upon my arrival the streets looked a bit more cheerful than the usual hustle and bustle that occurred in the town. I walked through the suspiciously merry waterfront and back to the mansion. The night had just begun and I sat infront of the study fireplace, a chalice of wine in my hand and a book in the other.
I found myself growing sleepier, the cozy fire and warm feeling from the wine in my stomach were only aiding my exhaustion. I drug myself up from the chair and walked to the guest bedroom. Even though I owned the house, and Reaver was absent, I still never slept in the master bedroom. I shudder to think of everything that has taken place in there.
I changed into one of the shirts Reaver had left behind. He was significantly taller than me, and everyone for that matter ,so it was more of a short dress. Regardless, it was comfortable. I buried myself deep into the warm blankets and slowly drifted to sleep.
It was the middle of the night when I awoke to the slightest of noises. The guest bedroom was much closer to the main entryway of the house so I could hear things alot more. Whoever or whatever had come inside was trying not to be heard.
" Damn bandits. " I muttered as I furtively rose from the bed and grabbed my master pistol from the bedside table.
The hallways were dark and the only thing lighting up the main part of the house were the beams of moonlight that bled through the windows. I quietly descended the stairs and entered the study, checking behind the door. The secret escape route was closed, meaning that no one has entered from there. Even so, Reaver did demolish the only way of outisde entry.
I carefully searched the study making my way to the fireplace which had strangely been re-lit. I walked closer, slightly lowering my gun, staring at the light and listening to the crackling of its flames.
I heard a click behind my head. A gun was pointed at the back of it. I smirked.
" Go ahead, you promised you'd kill me and take back your house. " I heard a soft chuckle.
" My my, I knew you were special and brave and all that but I did not expect for you to be the one behind the purchase of my home. Tell me, how did you aquire that much gold, my house isn't cheap you know. "
I laughed slightly as I turned around to face the culprit. There he was, his eyes gleaming with amusement, his hair perfectly styled. The gold trim on his clothing shined from the fire light and a soft smirk of amusement rested on his face. He put the gun down. I watched as his eyes surveyed me, ready to punch if they remained in certain places for too long.
" Not only have you stolen my house but it seems you have stolen my clothes aswell." He said, pointing out my choice in sleeping attire.
" Reaver, it sure has been a while."
" Indeed it has Sparrow, now.... get out. "
He suddenly began shoving me towards the front door but I fought back managed to escape from his grip.
" No way in hell I'm leaving, unless you're willing to part with 80,000 gold. " I stated, already annoyed with his antics. Typical Reaver. A year with Garth in Samarkand and he hadn't changed in the slightest.
" Well, " He huffed, crossing his arms. " here I was being nice and not killing and now you want me to pay you, how ungrateful. " He taunted.
" It's late and I'm tired, kill me in the morning or something I'm going back to bed. " I groaned, making my way up the stairs.
" Was that an invitation? " He smiled, trailing not to far behind me.
I returned to my room and he followed behind me. Too tired to argue I simply shoved him out into the hallway with my hands as he pouted. " Fine, maybe tomorrow. "

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