Chapter 5

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      It had been around 3 days since Reaver and I talked about Oakvale. He seemed his regular self , but his regular self is a cover up. I; however, am too pre-occupied to be worrying about learning more about him. I have to make my routine trip back to Bower Lake. Every few weeks I head back to talk to the gypsies that raised me and visit hero hill, to put flowers on the grave of my most loyal pet and companion.
       I was in the middle of packing my things when Reaver waltzed into the room. He then tool notice of my packing.
        " Leaving me?Did I finally scare you off? " He asked, placing his hand on the table, looking at me.
        " It's only temporary, I'm going to visit my hometown, Bower Lake. Pay a visit to some loved ones. " I answered, finishing up the last of my packing.
       " Well how long will you be gone?"
        " A week at most probably. It depends on weather. I sail from here to Westcliff in an hour and from there I'll walk to Rookridge and probably stay in the inn there and then head in a carriage to Bower Lake. It'll be alot quicker than when I used to walk. "
        " A week? I want to go. "
         " Listen, " I put my hand on his firm shoulder. " I don't think gypsy camps are your sort of thing. I'm simply visiting some people I who helped raise me. You almost sound like I'm worried. "
        " I'm not worried, it's just.... a gypsy camp I never knew you were raised by gypsies, tell me about them."
        " I will when I get back. "
        " Why not take my ship, we can go together and you can tell me about it? "
        " Fine, if you seem so set on it. But I must warn you gypsy camps aren't the most high society of
places. "
        " You realize I'm a pirate right. " He said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
         " I know. Now hurry and pack, we need to leave soon. "
         We walked to the docks and of course the biggest ship was in fact his.
When we boarded he introduced me to his crew
          " Listen up men, this is Sparrow. She's one of the toughest and she sticks with me so none of better get any ideas a or I will infact kill you myself. We set sail for Westcliff today, when we get there you will stay ported for a fee days. That's all. "
             We walked to his room. It was strange to see him so in charge and professional. It was kind of impressive to see him legitimately serious for once. The room was nice. Toward the door there was a large map table with different symbols which I assumed were some sort of pirate code. There was a large bed and a large window behind it. Throughout the room there were different coats, weapons, and other things I assume he collected throughout his travels.
      " Sorry, " He smirked. " but I only have one bed. " I groaned but set my stuff down anyway. I could sleep with the crew but I feel like that would lead to something horrible. Reaver was an ass, but people listened to him; because when he said he would kill someone, he meant it.
      " You planned this didn't you? "
I asked. He smirked as I sat down on the bed, crossing my arms. He sat next to me.
       " You don't seem to mind touch do you? " He whispered seductively in my ear. I punched him the chest, knocking him on his back. I laughed and laid next to him as he coughed.
      I rolled over in my stomach and looked out of the window. I had truthfully never been on a boat or in a carriage before, for longs periods of time at least. The only other time I was on a boat was to and from the spire. The only reason reason I planned to sail and take carriages was to make the travel faster for Reaver. Honestly I didn't trust him alone for a week much less the time it would take for me to walk the whole way.
      " I don't know what you're looking for out there. " He said, in reference to my obsession with looking out of the window. " All you're going to see is water. " He laughed and rolled over on to his back. I kept looking, the sun lit up the water. I rolled over on to my back and looked at him, smirking.
       " So what exactly do you do for fun here? " I asked. He laughed.
       " I'll show you. " He smirked.


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