Chapter 10

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      We walked down the winding dirt paths. I showed him the different landmarks and waterfalls that I grew up playing in. Soon enough, we had reached the camp. The tall wooden gates opened and we were greeted by crowds of the gypsy people.
      The camp was filled with life, light, and laughter. We walked through the camp to the caravan that was so long ago my home. I realized now how small it was, how small I was when I first stayed there on that cold night. How small the world was to me until I walked out of those gates. I looked around at the stringed lights and warm atmosphere. This place truly was home to me.
         " Well, Home sweet home. " I said as I let out a sigh of exhaustion. Since I had first lived here some 20 years I had taken to remodeling the place. I replaced the mat with a double bed, built some shelves to make more room and added a small desk with a chair.
             Reaver seemed to be eyeing the place. He probably couldn't believe how two people could live in such a tiny house, but Theresa and I made it work as best we could. I sat on the bed and patted the spot next to me, motioning him to sit down. He sat and we stared at the small caravan in a comfortable silence. I scooted to the side of the bed closest to the wall and laid on my side. Reaver laid down as well and laid in his side facing me.
         " How did you do it? " He asked, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.
         " I know it's small but- "
         " No. How did you survive, stay motivated. "
         " What do you mean? "
         " At the tavern in Bowerstone, Garth told me some things. I asked him how you two knew each other, he said you met in the spire. That you sacrificed 10 years there to rescue him. And that in unspeakable things happened there and- "
         " Stop. I don't want to talk about it. "
         " You can tell me, please Sparrow- "
        " Fine. Fine. But I don't want you to feel bad, or to think you're horrible, or hurt yourself. I'll tell you, but you have to promise, " I grabbed his cheeks and made him look at me.
" Promise you won't do any of those things. "
          " I promise. " He said. I ran my hands through my hair and sat up. This was the first time I would actually tell someone of the events in the spire. I stood and walked to the desk, sitting on the table's surface.
          " When I first got off the boat there was a man, his name was Bob, and he was my only friend in that place. We had ro wear these, collars. They would shock you everytime you disobeyed orders, draining away your energy and even memories, and the punishment for trying to take them off was death .
       The guards abused us, and forced us to do horrible things. There was a time when I was told to guard prisoners who hadn't been fed in days, so when the guard left I fed them. Each time an unspeakable amount of pain traveled through my body, and by the time I had helped 3 people I fell unconcious.
         After a few years I noticed that Bob's memory was deteriorating. He had forgotten his own family. That morning he had overheard that a man was killed just for saying he missed his family, Bob told me he was thankful he didn't have one.
       The commandant ordered me to his room one day. When I arrived I saw Bob on the ground. They had shocked so many times that he was delirious and babbling incoherent nonsense about the spire. The commandant ordered me to kill him, but I refused. They shocked me to the point of unconsciousness again and when I awoke the commandant had killed him.
       I was ordered to check on some guard who had failed to report to their duties. Garth had killed them and helped me get the collar off. It was then that we escaped. We fought our way out of the spire and on to one of the boats. We sailed to Oakfield and Theresa met us at the docks.
      After 10 torturous years I had finally escaped. After a few days I set out to find you. And here we are. "
      I rubbed my eyes, attempting to avoid his gaze.
      " After all that, and I tried to send you back, " He laughed slightly. " I'm surprised you didn't kill me. "
      " Believe me I wanted to, but I needed you. We all needed you. "
      " Well aren't I special. " He chuckled.
       I didn't know how to feel. I loved him, but who was ' him '?  It would be foolish to love the man that attempted to trade me away to my worst enemy, to be imprisoned, or killed. Reaver had seemingly become a different person, did that mean I could trust him.
      It was already well into the night and I studied his gentle sleeping form. I moved him over so I could lay down too. The sleep was different, it was surprisingly comforting. It felt good to be home.

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