Chapter 17

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I had been queen for only a matter of months and Albion was improving. As a mere adventurer, and Hero, I had done what I could to help reform Albion and its flaws, but with the crown in my power I had managed to do even more. I had made big changes, and even bigger friends.

Jasper and I had grown closer, as siblings rather than servant and master. Reaver and I had become even more inseparable and comfortable. Recently, I had contacted and heirling, hoping for some aid on a new project I was planning.

He was a tall and brutish man. His dirty blonde hair stood proud on his head, his large boots radiating strength as he walked. His name was Walter Beck, and he was capable of much that I needed.

I sat by the study fire and listened to the warm night. I felt two comforting hands rubbing my shoulders. Reaver gently patted my thigh, signaling for me to stand up. He sat in the chair, and I on his lap. He played with my hair and hummed the same song Hammer would hum to me, Down by the Reeds. I sipped on my whine and took a breath.


"Hmm?" He cooed, still distractedly playing with my long brown hair.

"I have a bit of a large endeavor I'm planning; however I wanted your permission before I undertook it."

I felt his hands stop. His eyes gazing intently on my face. He brushed my hair to one side of my shoulder. I set down my glass, turning to face him fully, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You know I'll support you in everything you do, you're the Queen afterall." He smirked.

"We banished the shadow court together. The mists and banshees of Wraithmarsh have disappeared, but danger still remains. I want to, with your help of course, restore Wraithmarsh and Oakvale." I explained, resting the palm of my hand on his smooth face. He placed his hand over mine.

"I'm not opposed to that. I would be more than happy to help restore the place that was once home. It will be hard, and take effort, but perhaps it bring us both some peace." He rubbed his thumb across my hand.

"Perhaps so. Let's go to bed, it's been a long day." I sighed, rubbing my temples. I grabbed his hand and began walking towards the bedroom.

"Ooh, taking some initiative are we? Perhaps the night's not over, I've never been with a Queen before." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, a smirk on his face. I could tell he was half serious though.

"I don't know, " I teased. " a Queen has lots of needs. You might not be able to keep up." I smirked, letting go of his hand.

"Me? Not keep up? Darling, you don't know what you're asking for." He laughed as he began chasing me down the hall. It was nice, go relax and play like we did. To not be burdened by the stresses of civil duty. I loved Reaver, and he loved me. It was nice to be allowed that freely.

After a long night, Reaver and finally decided to fall asleep. I listened to his immortal heart beat, it slowly sending me to sleep.

I couldn't help but feel the since of dread upon thinking of Wraithmarsh. It was no easy task, and I worried for the few newcomers that would be coming with us. Granted, Wraithmarsh held even deeper secrets for Reaver and I.

I watched his sleeping face. His long black eyelashes resting on his cheeks. It had been centuries, but I still worried for him. I couldn't help but think of the life before me, and if restoring Oakvale would bring it all back to him. Regardless, it was my job as Queen to take care of Albion's  people, to ensure their safety.

I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. I listened to the sound of the crackling fire, slowly drifting to sleep.

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