Bonus Chapter

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Sparrow-Journal Entry-The Auroran Expedition

      Typical Reaver; knowing how to peak my interest only to toy with my mind. The Shifting Sands of Aurora were uniquely brutal in climate than anything I had experienced so far. As I looked towards the statues built by ancient hands, I couldn't help but turn my head every so often to see behind me. Knowing that my own children had fought against the very darkness that almost claimed my life terrified and impressed me all at the same time. 

      Since I was now officially retired from the position of Queen. Reaver and I had spent most of our time relaxing by ourselves or watching our grand kids. Who knew that despite immortality one could still feel old? Regardless, I am wandering around the scorching desert on a scavenger hunt crafted by none other than Reaver himself. After returning from my "vacation" I arrived to find that Reaver had somehow transformed from Pirate King to an Industry Kingpin. When I asked him how he simply responded, "Read and find out for yourself." What he had neglected to mention was that the only reading that could be done was from a book, written by Reaver himself, that he hid away to rid of any evidence pointing towards his pirate rule. 

      I eventually stumbled across a sand ridden crate, stacked with books. Buried slightly in the sand was a scarlet colored book, adorned with Reaver's emblem in gold. It took everything inside of me not to rip open and begin reading from cover to cover, but I promised him I would wait until I had returned home to begin reading. 

       The Auroran sun had run its course on me, and by the time I reached my bed on the ship I drifted to sleep. The cool breeze danced across my face as the Bower Lake Manor came into view. It was still early morning, meaning Reaver was asleep and I could begin reading without him looming over my shoulder. Small grains of sand fell from the pages as I opened to begin reading:

Reaver on Reaver. An autobiography. 


Dear devotees, you hold in your hands a slice of history. An unadulterated and adult-rated account on one of the longest, fullest and most scandalous lives ever lived. Mine. For the intellectually-challenged amongst you-- and I can say with some certitude that such a definition includes most of you, my dear, dear readers-- I present here a brief, abridged extract of one my least demanding chapters. I do hope you can keep up. Who knows? Perhaps your dim little minds will be encouraged to consume the entire volume. Not that I care a jot. I have your money already. And should you have shoplifted a copy, or far worse borrowed one from those appalling institutions known as libraries, be warned that I will find you and perform many of the acts described in chapter twelve upon your person. Now read on, my loves.

Chapter 17. 

The senile old hag was as good as her word, and I found myself magically transported to the land of Samarkand, thousands of miles from the bloody Spire. There my good fortune ended however, as I soon found that insufferable bore Garth materialising beside me. This so-called Scholar turned out to have little to teach me about his homeland. Little of interest at least. I had come seeking hot nights, exotic substances and uninhibited people, and found an excess of the first, a miserly amount of the second, and a definite shortage of the third. Still, my stay was not without its highlights. One particular evening springs to mind. My last one. I'd followed my humourless, pedantic companion into what I can only describe as the worst tavern ever to deserve such a moniker. Its pitiful cordials and feeble spirits did nothing to improve my mood, and the air was so thick with stodgy conversation, one grew constipated merely by listening. It was then I had the brilliant notion, that would simultaneously catapult me out of that humdrum country and put an end to Garth's miserable existence, as well as diverting me for several minutes. I stood up in front the sober crowd and.... And... well, my darlings, there the extract ends. You will have to read the rest of the book to find out what happened. Cliffhangers are such a cheap authorial trick, I know, but one that is not beyond me (as you shall see when you reach the end of Chapters 2, 6, 7 and 22 ). Now run ahead, you little scamps. plunge your clammy, thirsty fingers into the pages before you. I hope you enjoy reading their contents as much as I've enjoyed living them.


Hi everyone! I recently was replaying Fable 3 and found that "The Pen is Mightier" quest can eventually lead you to an extremely rare book called "Reaver on Reaver" which I have copy and pasted to this story. I hope you all enjoyed this addition to Reaver's Fallen Kingdom, I thought it would be fun to add this bit to the story of his past and relationship with Sparrow.

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