Chapter 8

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      We walked through the dense forests through the coasts, taking turns sipping on a healing potion.
The bandits became less and less frequent as we approached Rookridge and as we walked I told Reaver stories of the first adventures I had ever been on.
       " So the minute you and Hammer finally got to adventure together you had to fight in the crucible, "
       " Yes. "
       " And then she threatened the former champion which got her kicked out and you had to beat it on your own, "
        " Yes. "
        " And then right after you got out, you had to leave for the spire and spent 10 years there. "
        " Yes. "
        " What went on in there anyways. "
        " I'd prefer not to talk about it. Bad memories. "
         " Oh. " He fummed.
         " We're Here! " I exclaimed. I grabbed Reaver's hand and dragged him to down the roads and up the hill to the Inn. It took us a day and a half to get to Rookridge and we were both in need of some rest.
         " Hello Elizabeth! " I exclaimed, hugging her.
          " Sparrow it's been a while, I've kept your room nice and tidy. " I thanked her as we went to our room.
          " Who was that? "
          " Elizabeth, she and her husband own the inn. Let me have my own room for free since I killed a troll that was driving them out of buisness. "
           " A troll? "
           " Yes. " I laughed at Reaver's disbelief. He had been asking questions, and requesting that I tell him stories ever since we got off of the boat. He was practically acting like a child. He was so amazed by my adventures, even though he had been on adventures of his own. We got settled in the room and I immediately flopped onto the nice bed, since I had helped give the inn a little furniture upgrade.
          " So what's the agenda for tomorrow? " Reaver asked as he laid next to me on the bed.
           " Well, I've hired a carriage to take us too Bower Lake, so the journey from here to Bower Lake should be quite easy. "
            " Good, " He stretched. " I'm tired of walking. "
            When morning came we gathered our things and loaded then into the carriage. The cost of the ride wasn't to much and I was happy to not have to walk. Reaver and I passed the time by telling stories about our adventures and interesting things we had found on our travels.
             By the time it was well into the night we had passed through Oakfield and were on the way to Bowerstone. The carriage suddenly stopped. Bandits. Before I could warn Reaver of grab my weapons my door was ripped open and I was dragged out by my neck.
     Although the events that took place in the spire happens almost 2 Years ago, the scars I received from repeated injury were still sensitve.  I hurt to breath, it even hurt move. I managed to kick my captor's knee in and get away. I fell on the ground and started coughing, the ribbon was still around my neck but I was still in pain. I was about to reach for my gun when I heard 5 clear shots, and I heard 5 bodies hit the ground.
       Reaver ran over to me and I had managed to sit myself up against the side of the carriage. I was still coughing slightly. Reaver helped me to drink some of the healing potion. I thanked him and got up.
        We gathered our supplies, the carriage driver was dead, and we would have to walk the distance to Bowerstone. It was soon that the sun rose and Reaver continued his questions.
         " So you never knew your parents? "
         " No, it was just my sister and I, and soon enough we found our precious dog. "
          " He lived all those years? "
          " I know, I'm shocked he lived as long as he did. " I laughed.
           We approached Bowerstone Old Town and I showed him the place where I grew up. We then progressed to the market in the evening and decided to go to the tavern.
            The tavern was warm and slightly crowded, but not to the point of being uncomfortable. We looked around and decided on a table on the second floor. We walked up the stairs and it was then that we ran into two unbelievably familiar faces.


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