Chapter 20

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It had officially reached one month. We needed some space. It was a hard truth but the truth nonetheless. We spent a final night together before Reaver went on a sailing voyage to clear his mind. It wasn't like the first time he set off on the waters to new destinations, this time I felt concern within myself. Before he was a pawn used to reach Lucien, now he was the most vital person to me. A position that had not been filled since Rose.

I spent my long and lonely days seeing to the restoration of Oakvale; tearing down the old and building the new. It was beautiful. Green as far as the eye could see, streets freshly paved and families newly moved in to the cozy village square. I was proud, I only hoped Reaver would be too. I stared at the sea while I leaned against the fence post. Strange how clear the air tasted now without the fog. My mind often wandered to her; to his wife. It wasn't jealousy nor curiosity. It was pain. To love him the same way she did and to know he loved her just the same. Would he ever truly love me in that way? Not very likely. Not that I could ever blame him for it, I too knew the feeling of having a love one ripped away from in front of you when you could've stopped it. I let out a sigh.

"You're majesty? Forgive my saying so, but you look a bit ill. Shall we return to the Palace? Or maybe the Manor?" Jasper put his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him.

"Thank you Jasper, I believe you're right. No need for apologies I suppose I am feeling a bit ill." I smiled, but he was right. I felt some ill feeling stirring in me the past few days. I brushed it off, probably nerves in Reaver's absence. I was in fact still a queen with much in front of her. The ache I my back and shoulders grew more present as I sank into the leather reading chair sat in front of the fire place. I had spent the past month distracting myself with work and royal affairs to take my mind off of its own emotional turmoil. I could only wait and hope for Reaver, the Reaver I knew and loved, to return home for me. As I finished the thought a sharp pain radiates through my head.

I threw my book to the side, jolting up to run to the bathroom. With a limited time span, I decided it would be best to vomit in the sink. I couldn't have made it any further. It lasted for a while. When I had finally finished I cleaned up and retired for the night, only to awoken to the same condition. I ran to the bathroom once more. Jasper was right, I was I'll.
I attempted to stand, but only managed to collapse the floor. I was fatigued and dehydrated.

I later there for a good while waiting to test my strength. I felt my self beginning to drift into sleep when I heard a voice ring out from the downstairs.

"You're Majesty?" He called.

Jasper, no not him the voice was too strong. Walter maybe, no too excited of a tone. As the footsteps grew closer I realized.


"Sparrow!" He flung himself towards me, slowly sitting me up. My throat was too dry to explain. I mere smiled softly, hugging him weakly.
"You're I'll, how long have been in this condition? We need to get you to Fairfax right away they'll know how to help. I'm gone for an instant and you manage to end up like this. I swear a man can't even vacation in peace." I mentally chuckled as he muttered the last sentence. Typical Reaver.

Before I knew it he was carrying me in his arms, taking me to his carriage outside. I felt helpless and burdensome. I'm sure he merely wanted to come home and relax but now he was rushing me to the best apothecary in Albion. My head rested in his lap, his hands brushing the sweat-soaked hair out of my eyes.

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