Chapter 9

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     " Hammer! Garth! What are you two doing here? " I ran over and hugged each of them for a good while. Reaver and I sat down at their table.
      " Sparrow, is that really you? It's been ages! " Hammer exclaimed.
      " So what are you two doing
here? " I asked again.
      " We could ask you two the same. "
Garth said.
       " Garth and I managed to somehow be on the same boat that was heading back to Albion. We stayed in Bowerstone cause I honestly thought you would be here. " She chuckled, but stopped when she finally realized that Reaver was here with me.
         " Nice to feel loved. " He muttered, and punched him lightly in the arm.
          " I love Bowerstone, but the people are too high strung for my taste. I went Bloodstone,  and ended up staying there since. In Reaver's mansion, " I looked up at him. " I bought when he left. Your tower as well Garth, the Temple of light as well. I wanted them in safe keeping while you were all gone. " I explained ,the last part being less excited.
          " So you just stayed here by yourself. " Hammer muttered.
          " I didn't really have a choice. " I fummed, using my finger to draw circles on the table.
           " What brought the two of you to Bowerstone? " Garth asked, trying to ease the awkward tension between Hammer and I.
            " Well, like I said I lived in his mansion. He came home from Samarkand so we lived there together. After a few weeks I was going on my regular trip Bower Lake to visit some loved ones. I decided to let him tagged. " I laughed and he rolled his eyes.
              We continued talking well into the morning, laughing and catching up. Hammer sent Reaver a few glares, which mentioned that she, as well as Garth, picked up on how close the two of us have gotten.
               When we had all gotten tipsy or drunk we decided it was time to go to sleep. Everyone but two tables had left and Hammer and I were dancing on the barcounter. We were singing, well rather screaming than singing, and dancing all over the place. I was about to show Hammer how to vault down from the upstairs railing until two arms pulled me off of it.
        Reaver set me on the ground next to him. He laughed as he looked at me, pretty drunk himself. He took my hand and led me to the room we had decided to stay in.
        " Night Hammer! Night Garth! " I screamed down to them. I heard Reaver chuckle beside me.
         I plopped onto the bed, but instead of laying next to me he got on top of me. I laughed, knowing what
he thought he was going to do, but I wouldn't let him. He pinned me down by my wrists and he put his forehead against mine. He kissed me. It's was simple but still passionate. Honestly, when I first met him I imagined kissing him would be a great to spread disease. But kissing him wasn't gross, it was actually quite enjoyable.
         He took it a step further by kissing my neck and exposed collarbones, I had lost my jacket about 3 whiskeys and an ale ago. I laughed and so did he as I repeated pushed him off of me. It was when he got to the lower area of my chest that I really pushed him off, off of the bed to be exact. He lifted his head up and we both laughed at each other. He got back in bed and we both got a needed sleep.
          I woke up to a piercing headache, the light from the windows
making it worse. I rolled over towards Reaver, who seemed to be in the same predicament.
         " We need to get up, I know it hurts but we need to get to the lake. " I shook him.
          " Shhhh. " He put his hand over my mouth and pulled me closer to him. He held me for a little bit. And then let me go and chuckled. I drug myself out of bed, making my head hurt about 10 times worse. I went downstairs to see Garth, perfectly fine, reading at a table. Hammer was passed out next to him.
         I got a hefty amount of food from the Barman and took a seat next to Garth. We talked for a few minutes about the things he studied in Samarkand as I ate. I kissed him on the forehead as I got up to bring Reaver his food. He was still sprawled out on the bed, his arm over his eyes.
         I sat next to him, and set the plate on his stomach. When he realized that it was food, he began eating. When the two of us had strengthened up we took a few sips of some healing potion to help our headaches.
         I helped him down stairs and we went to sit with Garth and unconscious Hammer. Reaver bought some more food for our travel and we said our goodbyes. I told Garth, and for him to extend the message to Hammer, that I would be residing in Bloodstone if they needed me.
         Reaver and I walked through the lively city. The roads outside we calm, a gentle breeze flowing through the autumn colored trees. Since I had helped the guard with bandit patrol, Bandits were alot less common in the Bower Lake area.
         " It's beautiful, " Reaver said. " I should build a house here some day. " He laughed.
         " Go ahead, so long as you let me live there. " I laughed.
          " I have no objections. " He replied.


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