Chapter 3

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    I stayed in bed for a good while after I initially woke up. I was hoping that Reaver's return was only a dream but I wanted to stay in bed a bit longer just incase. I got up and slowly opened to door checking each side of the hallway.
     I walked out to the second floor balcony that overlooked the study. He was sitting in his chair reading a book and drinking some wine. I watched for a moment until he shouted.
" You're not going stare all day are you. " I scoffed and went down into the study, pulling a chair next to him.
" Sleep well? "
  " Yes, surprisingly." I murmured.
  " Shame, you wouldn't have if I was there." He raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down. I attempted to slap him but he caught me by my wrist. " I never miss. " He cooed, reading his book. He held my arm there and then eventually let it go. He sighed and set down his book, marking his place.
       He stood and pulled me up with him leading me to door that was in the main entryway of the house. He opened it and led me inside. It was a kitchen. We walked to one of the large tables and stopped.
       " The spices are in that cabinet, the vegetables over there and the meats over there, I had some workers bring it all in." He pointed to the different shelves, cabinets, and baskets. He clasped his hands together. " Now, get started. " He walked out of the kitchen.
          " Reaver! " I shouted. He peeked his head through the doorway.
         " Sorry, how rude of me. The dining room is directly across the foyer. "
          I groaned, but I was surrounded by amazing food and a home cooked feast was better than any of the bland tavern food I had eaten for the past few years. I can't remember the last time I've had a good meal.
         I began cooking. A small amount of pork, poached eggs, potatoes , and greens. I arranged all of it beautifully on a plate returned to the study.
         I sat down and Reaver held out his hand for me to hand him the plate as he continued reading. I laughed and began eating which caught his attention. He looked at me with confusion and disappointment.
         " Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't tell me to make you any. " I taunted. " Plenty of ingredients left in the kitchen though. " He exited the room obviously not amused which fueled my laughter even more. Around the time I finished he returned with a plate filled with beautifully cooked and placed food. My jaw ed dropped slightly, something he sure took notice of.
      " I'm not incompetent like most 'nobles' you know. I can cook. " He said, slightly arrogant because he saw that I was impressed.
      " I think calling it cooking is an understatement, it's art. " I exclaimed, intentionally stroking his ego. " Well, I suppose it was about time you were good at something. " I said, laughing I patted him on the shoulder as I got up.
       " I will stab you with this fork. " He murmured. Stabbing one of his potatoes and then eating it.
        It was quite strange. We spent the rest of the day poking fun but also simultaneously getting to know each other. He told me about his sail back home and his other pirate adventures.
       I told him of how I once helped a man bring a woman back from the dead and went to a island filled with treasure on special ship that belonged to a ghost pirate, not that he believed me on either.
        I decided to stretch my legs and go on a walk by the docks. It was already sunset and I had simply thrown on some shorts with shirt I had worn to bed. I walked to the end of the dock and looked out at the spire. I hated that place. Everytime I look at it it's like Lucien is taunting me, watching me. No matter where you go the shadow of the spire always reaches there.
       I turned around and walked back, buying some chocolate from a trader and stocking up on some more potions. I walked around checking on buildings I owned and trading with the people.
       I got back to the house to find Reaver asleep next to the fire. He looked so natural and vulnerable, he looked peaceful almost. He didn't seem to be having a nightmare, I felt bad that even after all these centuries those memories still haunted him.
     I ran my fingers through his dark hair and gently shook him by the shoulders. His eyes fluttered open and he stretched.
     " It's late, you should go to bed. " He sat for a minute and stood, slowy and crookedly walking, almost as if he were drunk. I chuckled as he walked off.

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