Chapter 21

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I could hear faint voices. I felt someone's hands on me; cold hands. It felt as if all of it were in the distance and that I was merely floating. My eyes shot open, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Careful. You mustn't strain yourself, you've been unconscious for quite sometime now." Jasper's voice was soft but concerned. I turned my viewpoint over to Reaver, who was sleeping on the sofa, his hand stretched out onto the bed.

"What's wrong with me? I feel ill, but I'm not sure from what. I haven't left the manor in a good while how could I have caught something?"

"I'm not sure madame. Possibly something you've eaten within the last few days. If it were spoiled it could've triggered a reaction. Regardless, the medical officials, as well as myself, think it best for you to remain under surveillance here in the castle."
As he finished I nodded my head. He was right, the long journey to the lake would only worsen my condition.

"Please drink plenty of water madame, I'll go inform the maids to draw you a bath, after that we can see how you're feeling." Jasper exited, softly shutting the door behind him.

I heard a small, sleep-driven mutter from Reaver. I gently played with his hair, trying not to disturb him too much. In reality I was bored out of my mind. There were books to read but I knew with my current state of being standing up unassisted would likely result in a fainting spell. So, I merely laid blankly in the bed until Jasper came to retrieve me.

"Your majesty, everything is prepared." He, followed by two maids, assisted me in standing. We walked quietly down the hall. Once I was situated I turned to Jasper.

"Prepare a bath for Reaver as well, I'm sure he could use some relaxation.

Truthfully Reaver hadn't been "relaxed" in quite sometime. And now, after his vacation voyage he had returned to this contingency. I couldn't help but feel responsible for all of it. The Spire, the Shadow Court, Wraithmarsh, Oakvale. It had all taken it's toll on the big of us when in reality it should've been only my burden to bare. I saw that now. I ran a hand of warm water over my shoulders. Was there a right in me doing any of this? I suppose none of that matters now. I let out a sigh.

Before I could finish the door swung open, revealing a half-clothes Reaver. His hair slightly dripping onto the floor. I quickly sunk lower into the tub to maintain some sort of modesty. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Oh stop being so bashful, as if I haven't seen more than that already." He set the towel in his hand on a shelf and propped himself next to the tub, sitting on the floor.  "You know, I've seen someone of your sort before. The constant puking, slight fever, but still quite alright all the same. Sick but not quite." I could see a reminiscent look in his eyes.

"Don't take this as rude your majesty, but I believe you may be pregnant."

"Now that you say that, I can definitely see why you'd be familiar with this sort of circumstance. Tell me, how many other little Reavers are there running around?" I grinned but he seemed less amused.

"I have just revealed that you may very well be pregnant and your instantaneous reaction is to mock me?" He rhetorically asked. "Is this the treatment I deserve for enduring you for all these decades?"

"I would say enjoying rather than enduring." I gave him a wink and motioned for him to pass me a towel.

In all actuality I wasn't surprised. In fact, I was rather more surprised that this hadn't come sooner. I knew with the rate we were going at that I would fall pregnant eventually. I was more impressed by the fact that it was possible. Nevertheless a royal baby was more than likely on the way, all that was left to do was tell Albion.

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