Chapter 24

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I felt immense heat on my back as the sun shown down on me. Not the normal type of light from the sun, this one was more intense. In Albion, the sun always seemed to hide itself behind buildings or above trees. This sun remained visible, like it was watching something. I turned to see Walter dabbing some sweat off of his face only to have it replaced by more sweat.

"Your highness, I'm not complaining, but what exactly are we looking for?" Walter asked as we trudged up the large dune. He stopped to look out when he realized I was standing still.

"That." I pointed to the valley beneath us. In the far distance laid large and ancient statues. Closer to us; however, was a village made up of large ceramic and clay structures. I could faintly make out people walking through the tapestry covered streets. I heard Walter sigh in relief as we made our decent. He had a point. I still wasn't sure as to what exactly I was looking for. My adventuring days had been long behind me, but I still couldn't help but feel some pull at my conscience.

We finally reached the village, the scents of its culture running across my skin. The people were adorned in beautiful jewels and linens draped perfectly across they're tanned bodies. Walter and I decided it would be best to continue forward towards the largest structure. We hiked up it's large and beautiful stairs until we finally reached the entrance.

"Blessed day." A woman with long gray hair approached us. Her turquoise face paint highlighted her sharp features. A soon noticed a small girl by her side, her hair long also. "I'm Nula, and this is Kalin. One of our newer priestesses. I'm guessing you're far from here are."

"Yes. We come from the land across the sea. Albion, I'm the queen of that region."

"Tell me Queen, what is it you're doing here?"

"I'm not sure. I'm looking for something, but I'm not entirely sure what." After I spoke I noticed the hesitant look on her face.

"Well Queen, explore as you like. We will provide you shelter." She pointed to a taller house within the village.

Walter and I recouped and prepared for our next journey. I could tell he was apprehensive.

"Walter. We've made it, I'll be fine from this point out. They've got a port meaning we can easily leave and return to Albion. I'll be fine on my own, you head home." After much objected I had finally convinced him to leave. The heat had taken a toll on his body and pushing my best fighter to his limits would prove unworthy in the end. I grabbed my sword, attaching it at my waist.

The sun continued to beat down on me, my hair beginning to radiate heat itself. I had not discovered much in the desert besides rare plant species but botany was not my goal. I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was calling me to it. I continued to walk until I felt a breeze coming from a cave entrance. I slowly maneuvered myself inside, hoping to cool off from the Auroran sun. The cave was much darker than I anticipated, eerie even.
I slowly opened my palms, letting my fire spell illuminate the ruin's walls. I soon reached what appeared to be a well-no, a stair case. I quickly tiptoed down from the inner balcony. After reaching the bottom I soon realized that this was it. This was the place my heart had been calling me to.

It wasn't until I spotted the bodies on the floor that I truly realized what I had gotten myself into. I examined each one closely; they had been dead for a while. I noticed a journal in on of the carcasses' hand. I flipped through it's pages but it sounded like nonsense. I whispered the mutterings our loud to myself. A purple light revealing the stair case appeared and vanished immediately after. I furtively went down the staircase feeling as if my flame spell was managing to illuminate less and less.

The halls were dark and intimidating. The further I pressed into the ruins the more I felt an uneasy feeling creep up on me, or perhaps it was something else. The flames died as a breeze flew through the hall. I heard movement to my left. I quickly drew my sword, spawning my flame spell once again. It was then that I saw it. Tall and unspeakable, like his piercing eyes had a hold on my soul and I felt a weight crushing my shoulders. It was an indescribable feeling. Like everything I was had just become,


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