Chapter 12

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The trip back to Bloodstone was long, dangerous, and boring. Reaver and I chattered back and forth all along, stopping to shoot the occasional hollowman in the head. The sky was dark and clouded as usual, the ground softened and putrid. I kept walking and stopped when we reached the decrepit shore. I looked at the remnants of Oakvale. I felt Reaver's eyes staring at me.
     My obsession with the fallen kingdom needed to end sometime, sometime soon. When Oakvale died, a part of Reaver did too. Maybe I thought that reviving Oakvale, even if just as a memory, I would revive Reaver too.
       We soon were approaching Bloodstone, I could tell by the stench of corruption in the air. The clouds had managed to disapated and all that prevailed was the glimmering sun. It lit up the water with it orange and pink hues, I took in the beautiful view.
        " That's one of the reasons I came to Bloodstone. " Reaver interrupted my thoughts. " That and the prostitutes. " He laughed.
        I rolled my eyes and chuckled along with him as we made our ways through the streets. Occasionally, citizens would approach us and ask for autographs or money.
      I had to admit, my presence in Bloodstone had drastically influenced the past year.I had invested a generous amount of money back into the economy. House conditions were better, trade was more profitable, and people were actually having children and raising them.
      We finally reached the place we both came home. I smiled and let out a sigh of relief to finally be back home. I set down my weapons and took off my shoes, giggling at the overwhelming lack of responsibility and vigilance. Finally I could take two steps without something trying to kill me, excluding Reaver of course.
        I had purchased some food down at the waterfront and began cooking with it. Normally when I traveled I brought bread or anything that could sustain itself for a good while, home cooked meal weren't exactly " travel safe ". When I had finished, I set a plate down infront of Reaver who was reading in the study. I pulled a chair up and sat next to him.
         " You reading reminds me that I have to get back to my research. " I laughed.
        " Research? " He asked, shoving a fork-full of food into his mouth.
       " On old kingdom artifacts. Specifically one I encountered when I was younger. It was a music box that could grant someone one wish. I've cheated death twice and lived once before that, so I'm trying to figure out if that means I get two more. " I explained, poking some more of my food with my fork.
         " Smart girl. What would you do with them? " He asked.
         " I have some ideas. It can only be opened by heroes though, maybe you should start making a list of your own. " I teased.
         " I'm no hero. " He scoffed.
        " Well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then. "
          The next few days kept me busy in the study. I had countless amounts of books and notes on the music box. I had written down as much as I could remember from my younger days.
          I wasn't lying when I told Reaver that I had a few ideas. My first was to join him in immortality, and not the horrible vivid nightmare kind. How knows when Albion, or the world for that matter, will be in need of a hero. I need to be there. I could also rid Reaver of his nightmares, maybe even be able to grant him immortality without the Shadow court. Maybe I could rid of the shadow court itself.
         I rubbed my temples in exhaustion, my brain overpowered for the night. I sipped on a chalice of whine as I set down my book and curled up in my chair. I stared at the crackling fire when I felt two hands massaging my battle-worn shoulders.
         " Getting cozy are we? " Reaver cooed, pressing his thumbs gently into my back. I smiled at his thouch, normally his soft and genuine affection was hard to come by.
         " Barely. My heads pounding from all the researching. Thank you. " I placed one of my hands on his. Rubbing it gently with my thumb.
         " Go to bed. " He whispered in my ear. I quickly finished my whine and stood up. Walking, with my hand in his back and his arm around my shoulder ,up the dimlit staircase.

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