Chapter 23

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It was impossible to imagine something so small yet so powerful. Yet here she was, gripping my finger with her small hands. It was officially 5 years since Logan's birth and Reaver and I had decided to have a second child. Theresa popped in here and there to pay a visit. I was complacent with Theresa; it seemed as if she only turned up when she needed something. She was never there when I wandered the cities in the night after drinking the pain to a halt, she was never there when I screamed while I watched the camp go up in flames. She was never there, and in the same way, she was. Always watching from that spire.

I shook those thoughts away as I stared my daughter in the eyes, a soft smile on my face. She was so beautiful, but something about her radiated so strongly. I felt in my gut that the eldest wasn't the hero Theresa had intended. It would be the youngest that overcame the trials being a hero would cost.

"You feel her strength as well." Theresa stood firm in the corner.

"Why are you here Theresa, why are you really here? To wait until she grows up to manipulate her into serving you some more? She's a child."

"So were you."

"I will give anything it takes for her to have a normal life. I spent all of mine just hoping one day I could give myself enough to have a family and a home. I won't sacrifice that for you."

"You already have."

There was a ghost of a smile on her shadow-ridden face. But what did that mean? 'You already have'. I shrugged it away turning back to the child before me, so soft a delicate. Gentle, but demanding. I couldn't help but worry for Logan however. He was so used to be the only child that I could tell he felt as if he was fading into the background. He had always been a bit of a peculiar child; caring and sweet, but he had the unnatural temper his father possessed.

Speaking of Reaver, I wondered how long it would be before he returned home. Being a queen had its requirements but I had put them on hold while I focused on the children. Reaver then took it upon himself to man the royal enterprise. Traveling far and wide to make business trades with foreign affairs.

"Your Majesty ," A maid interrupted. "His Majesty Master Reaver has returned."

"Send him up please."

It wasn't long before I felt familiar hands around my waist and a familiar chin resting on the top of my head. I looked up to see tired but happy eyes looking into mine. I gave him a soft kiss as we both stared at the baby sleeping peacefully in-front of us. Reaver chuckled slightly.

"This might not be the right time, but we can always make another one." He wiggled his eyebrows lightly.

"If you want to carry one you're more than welcome. So what's the news on foreign trades? Anything intriguing?"

"Well yes actually. I stumbled across a humble little paradise known to the locals as 'Aurora'. But of a bland name if you ask me, but it might be worth your checking out. I'm sure it'd be nice for you to get back to your heroics and all."

"I'm not sure, I'd feel bad leaving the children behind. So soon at least."

"Well nothing's permanent. Give it some thought." He unwrapped his hands. A smile grew on my face as I heard Logan sprint into the room, running straight into Reaver's arms.

"Daddy! You're home!" Reaver laughed and picked him up, walking out of the room. "Did you kill any monsters? See any banshees?"

"I'm afraid not my darling; however, I did meet some very -exotic- people." I rolled my eyes as the door slowly shut behind me.

Aurora. Doesn't sound like much if you ask me.

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