Chapter Five

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“What am I meant to wear to this thing tonight? Is it casual, formal or lazy?” I asked, flicking through the racks of my clothing that hung in the sliding closet.

Greyson walked up behind me, “I don’t know.”

“But isn’t clothes your thing?” I asked, trying to bat my lashes at him.

He cocked his head to the side, “Just because I am gay, doesn’t mean I’m a fashion designer. I’d wear a shirt and jeans but that’s just me. Where are you going?”

“My sisters thing,” I said with a duh tone.

He flicked the side of my arm, “I know that. I meant, where is it at? A restaurant? Bar or someone’s house?”

Now I felt stupid, “Oh umm it’s at a steak and grill place in the city, which is good. I want steak for dinner,” I smiled big, I was so hungry for steak all day.

“You’re weird,” he laughed. “Ok, sit on the bed and let me help you out with something to wear. Go and do your hair, it needs to be straightened and do that cat eye liner you do sometimes.”

I burst into a loud fit of giggling hysterics, once calmed down enough to talk I sat up and shook my head, “Nope, not a fashion designer, maybe a beauty therapist with the way you gave me that description.”

He smiled, “I know. I have never felt gayer than right now. Laugh it up, now go and get pretty.”

Doing as he said, I managed to give myself the thick cat eyed liner with a pink tinged gloss. My hair was left out and straightened. I did pin the side up a little to keep it from getting in my face all night. Greyson walked in holding up a navy blue patterned playsuit with lace trimming around the bottom of the shorts.

“No way,” I shook my head. “It’s a steak bar, I will look like so overdressed.”

“I knew you’d say that. I have some black skinny leg jeans and a white t-shirt for you to wear, tuck the bottom of the top into the band of the jeans, not all the way. Just a bit, it’s casual but shows off your body,” he walked back out of the bathroom.

I groaned, he can deny being into all this fashion stuff, but I knew he liked playing dress ups as well.

“Can’t you come with me?” I pouted, dragging my feet behind him.

He shook his head, “Sorry, my parents are in town and want me to come visit for dinner.”

Luckily, when I arrived, everyone who was there wasn’t dressed up. They were in casual but nice. Thank god I argued Greyson on wearing heels, sticking to a pair of flats instead.

Looking around, I couldn’t see my sister as yet. Spotting the giggling girls sipping on their cocktails, they gave me a wave. I didn’t really know them that well to want to go sit with them, I did see one familiar face, and I fought back the groan. I didn’t want to see Daniel. I was planning on avoiding him, he walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder, leaning in and kissing my cheek softly.

If Greyson was here, he’d have punched him.

“Sage, wow it’s been what? Three years?” he asked, pulling back. His baby blue eyes smiling right into mine.

Do not fall for his charm. “Four,” I corrected, “How have you been?”

“Good, come sit at the bar with the others. What are you drinking?” he flashed his teeth, giving me another smile.

My heart rate quickened, I hadn’t thought about the whole not drinking this. Shit, I tried to block out the being knocked up to a stranger part that I actually did block it out completely. “Just a coke with raspberry, I’m driving tonight.”

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