Chapter Twenty Nine

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Oliver was acting weird, strange and almost a little distant.

I tried to talk but he wasn’t in the mood to talk, in the end I just sat there eating dinner quietly and reading a magazine on celebrity gossip. That could always cheer me up.

Sighing, I looked back over at Ollie and he was sitting in the chair with his eyes closed. He opened one eyes and looked at me. “You’re staring,” he said.

“What’s wrong? Are you mad with me or something?” I asked, confused by the shift in his mood when he came back with dinner.

Oliver’s hand reached out and he pulled me up and over to sit on his lap. “No baby, I’m not mad at you. I could never be, I’m just tired and stressed. I hate waiting, I want her to wake up so we can leave this fucking hospital.”

“I know, me too,” I said quietly as I leant my head down against his chest.

His heart thumping loudly, I sat up and looked at him again. Leaning forwards I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. How we weren’t out of the honeymoon faze was beyond me, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

“What was you like growing up?” I asked, placing low kisses against the stubble of his jawline.

His arms slid down over my ass, and he pulled me against him. “I was smart, focused and loved to play sports.”

“Did you have a lot of girlfriends?” I asked, getting to my main point.

Oliver chuckled, the grumble vibrating off his chest. “Jealous baby?”

“Absolutely,” I pulled back with a grin. I wasn’t really, but it was cute to see the smug smile over his face.

“I didn’t have many at all. None compare to what I feel about you, I think I went through the hell to get to you,” he whispered.

Tears filled my eyes and I smiled, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m all yours.” I was so happy right now as I leant closer and pressed my mouth against his.

Meadow hadn’t made any new progress. That was the devastating part, each day we’d sit and stare. Hoping to find any type of sign that she’d be improving, and yet there was nothing. My hopes were starting to fade.

When I looked back at Oliver, he was looking lost in his own little world again. Something was up, and I wanted to know what. “Ollie,” I said quietly.

He raised his brows, “Hmm?”

“What are you not telling me?” I asked hesitantly. I was nervous to hear the answer.

Swallowing, he uttered the words I never expected to hear. “I went to see Amy.”

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