Chapter Sixteen

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“I’m so nervous. How do we play this out? Just walk in and act normal?” I asked as we walked to the car. We were on our way to see Tony and my sister, I had a feeling this wasn’t going to go all smooth and easily. I was very much a nervous wreck, but I didn’t want to show that to him. Even Olive was kicking furiously.

Ollie chuckled, “Uh, I don’t know. I think we should just go in and see how it plays out,” he shrugged and I handed him the keys to my car, he frowned, “You don’t want to drive?”

I pointed to my stomach, “It’s too big to go behind the wheel and I’d prefer you to drive. You’re the guy after all.”

He gave me an odd look, cocking his head the side but just looked at me for a moment. “You’re unexpected, you know that.” Damn this guy knew how to make me smile when I wasn’t expecting it. He got in the car and reached over, giving my stomach a rub. “Don’t worry, daddy’s here to drive.”

I think my heart almost stopped at that. Hearing him call himself daddy, holy fuck that was unexpected. My chest was rising and falling as he looked up at met my gaze, I didn’t know what to say. I literally didn’t know what to say, it was a feeling of astonishment, happiness and a tinge of fear.

I didn’t fear him, but I feared what would become if this became more. Or what would happen if he left me again, I didn’t want to be pulled into him and get myself too deep.

Before I knew it we were walking into my sister’s living room. It was very quiet, I looked at Oliver who sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him, a smile coming over his lips as he tugged my hand to pull me down beside him.

“Where are they?” I asked, my voice coming out a raspy whisper.

“No idea, I’m finding it difficult to keep away from you right now though,” he leant closer, hand snaking over my stomach and around towards my waist, his body leant into mine as I lifted my leg and hooked it over his thighs.

The look he gave me was the same look I was giving him. It was a need to be with him right now, I wanted him so damn bad. “Ollie,” I said and then I kissed him, hard.

I don’t think either of us were ready to stop, but voices at the front door was the only thing to pull us apart. Moving not as fast as I would have liked, my leg was still over Oliver’s lap and hand fisted into his shirt as Tony walked in.

“Oh shit,” his brows shot up and blocked Cassie’s view, trying to distract her. “Babe, can you see if I got my phone out of the car?” he asked.

“Ugh, you’re so lazy,” she grumbled, her voice fading as she walked back to the car.

Tony walked in and looked at us, his eyes flicking from Oliver’s to mine, his voice quiet and low. “You better not have fucked on my couch. Cassie knows nothing and I can only defend you two so much.”

“We didn’t do anything,” I snapped, giving him a scowl.

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