Chapter Eighteen

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“That’s it baby, one more push. You can do it,” Oliver’s voice smoothly spoke against my side, his hand holding onto mine or more correctly, I was holding his tightly. His other hand was pushing my leg back, as the midwife on the other side of me held me the same way.

Ten hours we had been here for and I was in so much pain, I was ready to get her out of my body but she was fighting it. She was far too cosy in the warm bubble of a home I had kept her in. I just didn’t have any energy left, I was tired and exhausted. No drugs, I was fucking insane.

I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks as my chest rose and fell, breathing hard and heavy. “I can’t, please. It hurts too much. God, Ollie, I can’t.”

“Yes you can. You know you can, you’re strong baby, you’re going to do this and have her in your arms very soon,” I looked up at him as he spoke, he leant forwards and kissed my sweating forehead.

Too bad if I was still embarrassed about being naked in front of him. I was open and spread in a bed for everyone in the room to see. Completely naked. The bra I had on got tossed off, breaking out in a heat rash had me snapping and almost tearing it off.

The nurse Mary, to my other side was what I needed to keep going. She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as the doctor between my thighs looked up and nodded, “Ready, on the count of three. One, two, and three...”

I don’t think I have ever screamed so loud in my entire life. I was gritted my teeth as I pushed with everything I had. I had two words to say, never again! As I pushed, I gripped Ollie’s hand hard, leaning forwards and focusing on the positive. My daughter would be out soon.

Falling back to the bed and panting hard as a loud scream filled the room. I did it, she was here and out. Oliver’s mouth had kissed me hard before I could take another breath. He cupped my cheek, I tasted his salty tears as he pulled back, both of us crying.

“You did it baby, god thank-you so much. I’m so proud of you,” he said kissing me hard once more.

“Congratulations Daddy, would you like to cut the cord?” The midwife asked.

He didn’t hesitate to say yes, grabbing the scissors and cutting the cord. He stood there and just watched her being cleaned up, I laid there watching him. I couldn’t describe how I felt in this moment.

I laid there after being cleaned up and dreaded what was going to come with my sister and parents. Oliver had called Cassie and Tony, letting them know we were on our way to the hospital. He was going to call mum but she insisted she do it. I felt bad, but made him call his parents. He didn’t want to intrude, but this was his daughter. His parents had every right to meet their granddaughter.

When Cassie arrived at the hospital, she told Oliver he was fine to leave and wait with Tony. My god, he stood his ground and told her to get out. She refused. Telling him that he couldn’t turn up and act like a father after a couple days shacked up together. When mum and dad arrived, we were already in the delivery process and I had told the midwife I only wanted Oliver in here. Too many people was going to cause unwanted stress.

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