Chapter Thirty One

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“You’re miserable. You should try and sleep,” Greyson said. “I will watch Meadow if that’s what you’re worried about?”

I sighed. I wanted Oliver to hold me so I could fall asleep. I didn’t want to go to sleep, I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “I don’t know, I want to go over and see him.”

“Sage are you out of your fucking mind? Have you met Amy?” Tony busted out, “god she’s inane. I don’t know what the fuck to do. He won’t answer my calls and Haddon won’t either.”

I groaned. “Well what can we do? Sit here and just see what happens?” I asked.

He was mine. Oliver was my man, and I was damned if I would sit and let another woman hurt him.

I once told him that if he ever left me then I would go out, find him and bring his ass home where he belonged. That’s exactly what I planned on doing, Oliver was mine not hers and Meadow needed her daddy.

She needed us both here to get better.

“I don’t know. Maybe we could call the police, or his lawyer? Do you think Oliver told him what he was planning on doing? It just doesn’t make sense and I can’t concentrate without food.”

Giving up on the fight, I rolled my eyes and shrugged. “Ok let’s go and eat, I’m hungry.”

Everyone in the room just stared at me. “You want to go and eat?” Greyson asked slowly.

I nodded with a soft laugh. “Yes, god I don’t care where. Just get me out of here before I take off to Oliver and that crazy wench’s place.”

Everyone, within seconds were off their feet. Mum and Dad stayed put, they were going to keep an eye on Meadow. I loved them for that. Dad tugged on my hand as I began to walk out with the others and I looked at him with a frown.

“Here,” he said quietly. “Take it.”

I looked down at my palm and there sat a green hundred rolled up. I went to protest, but he gave me a stern look. I just smiled and leant down to kiss his cheek. “Thanks dad.”

“Go and eat something decent, I don’t want to see you back until you’re so full you can’t eat anything else, got it?” he said sternly, mum just smiled keeping her eyes down at the novel she read.

I nodded slowly, “Yes dad.”

We didn’t venture far, just down to the steak and grill we had come for Tony and Cassie’s pre wedding dinner. It was packed as usual only this time I wasn’t pregnant. I took a seat beside Greyson and he slid his arm over my chair when Daniel walked over.

He knew Danny boy was trying to get back in my pants, it was amusing how possessive Greyson could get at times. He made up for the possessiveness I missed from Oliver right now.

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