Something That's Been Bothering Me

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So, I'm the new Drum Major for my high school marching band. Pretty cool, right? Sure, I'm not THE drum major, but that'll be me next year. Still, I am the drum major, I've been given power and responsibility, I've been given authority. But, one thing that bothers me, almost every single person has said to me, they've said something along the lines of, "You gotta be more serious now, you can't joke around like that," or they'll say, "hey, you're the drum major, act like it" or whatever. They're telling me to be this person I'm not.

Do they not realize that I was chosen, because of who I am. I was chosen because I'm me. And I'm this not so serious kid who people listen to, I take charge when a leader is needed, I keep a cool head when needed, I can laugh and joke around, and get cracking down to business when needed. I don't need to be "more serious" I don't need to "act like the drum major". I am the Drum Major, I am the (co)leader. I am Luis, don't EVER tell me what I need to be....

...Unless, you're Mrs. Greenwood... she's the only one I'll allow indefinite authority over me until I graduate.

10:00 am, 6/26/17

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