A Few Regerts

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So, a wave of emotions just hit me. There was a band in the class of 2017. It consisted of my friend Nathan, Jack and Deric. It also Had my drum majors Allison and Alaina. Nate, Jack, Marissa, Deric and Ally all graduated. Alaina is a senior now. So, I'm not sure if their band Noticeably Average disbanded, if they did, it was unofficial. Jack, Marissa, and Nate are my favorite members of this High School Band. I really miss Jack and Nate a lot. Marissa, I miss her too, but I text her pretty often and I have her sax which I'll give to her sometime. Nathan, I think he's still in Michigan, but I miss him, he was one of my mentors. I followed him everywhere during my freshman year. I did as he told me. He was great, and ah! I miss him a whole crap ton and he's not much of a hugger, but on graduation day, he hugged me, and holy sh*t, I nearly cried. His girlfriend, Alaina, showed me the picture and I nearly cried seeing it. Jack is on a road trip. He's not in the state, and I miss him too! He was my main mentor, he took me under his wing. I was his go to person if he needed help with something. Even our band director noticed that I was his go to person. I was his sidekick, and it was great. He was great and he too wasn't much of a hugger. 

Now! I'm a huge lover of hugs, but I won't hug those who don't want to be hugged. So, I always had to fight the urge to just randomly hug Jack or Nate, but ah, I kinda regret not hugging them. Because, what if I never see them again, I will, but what if I don't? I don't have their numbers, so I can't text them like I do Marissa.  Imma cry!

I gotta stop, I gotta go to sleep. I need a hug...

1:02 am, 6/15/17

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