Us Three Vs The War

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My sister still hasn't moved out, and she's 21. Why? Because she doesn't want to leave Danny and I in this house with our parents at war. I love her so much more now. Her and I had a conversation, and it helped so much, her and I are at the same place, but it isn't too bad because she stays quiet, where as I get involved. She said she would support me when I move out, and her and I are gonna protect Danny and. Because, Danny is 13 now, one day he's gonna get hit with a truckful of emotions and realization of our situation, and when that happens, our hearts might be broken, but we'll be there for Danny. He can come to us. 

We may get on each others backs and annoy each other, but we're gonna be there for each other cause we love each other and have each others backs. This war isn't a two sided war, it's got a third opponent, my siblings. Danny, Kristina and I versus our mother versus our father.

10:11 pm, 8/1/17

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