I Dunno What To Title This

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WARNING: If you are not into human emotions, or love or gay love, then you probably might not like it, I dunno, read if you want.

Okay, I really love Alexx. There, I said it. Like oh boy, that boy, I love him as much as one can love anything, maybe even more. I can't really explain why I love him, I'm terrible with words when it comes to nonfiction. Fiction I can write easily, nonfiction, that's hard to write. I just really love Alexx, I appreciate his existence so fucking much. I honestly have no clue how I stayed decently happy without him before I met him. As I get older, my parents become more bitter with each other, and with my already fucked up head it's refreshing to know that he is there for me(Disclaimer; I do have other people that help, but this is about Alexx, not them, though if you are a helper do know I deeply appreciate your help). Before we dated, we would have this joke saying we were basically the same person. I don't exactly know why, but we were. He was just so precious to me, and every single time I saw him, I got really happy on the inside, and I tried to not let it show through my face. *train of thought just got derailed* Ugh, damn. I love him a lot, he makes me sooooo happy, and I don't know what to say that won't sound like what he says to me. He says that I make him better, that I'm his everything and so much like that, and I feel the same way, and that sounds so "of course you would say that". But, it's true, he is my whole world. He does make my life so much better. He is the best thing to ever happen to me in this life that I never asked for. He is the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I know we will, whatever happens in the future, he and I will last. We'll change the world. We'll be the ultimate power couple. I love him a lot, and I cannot wait for his return, I was promised a hug. And I really like hugs.

9:45 pm, 6/28/17

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