Anyways, I'm not the kind of person who is fond of little kids, unless they're my little cousins, but even them I find annoying every now and then. But, just like Achilles, I too have my unexpected weakness, and it's this channel called "Hiho Kids" or "WatchCut Video." They have these little kids try different things and, OMG! These kids are soo adorable, well some of them, but ahhh! I have three favorite kids, but the kid I love the most is this three year old named Ernie. He looks like a three year old me, and he's just so sadistic and creative! Below is Ernie, I swear if I had a pic of a three year old me and put the pics side by side, you all would agree.
12:36 pm, 6/14/17
Summer Journal #2(COMPLETE)
HumorHi, this summer of 2017 will be quite.... quite a ride.6/9/17