Chapter 7

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The next day was big for everybody. Dial had planned for Willy to do his first public performance today, calling it "The Willy Show". 

A whole mob of people had come to watch, filling up the entire stadium. The Greenwoods were there, and even Dwight was too. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please take your seats, the Willy show is about to began"

Jesse and Kali were backstage, getting ready.  

"Lots of people out there" Rae came back to check on them. "You two nervous?"

"A little" Kali admitted, tightening her yellow bandanna around her head. 

"Not me" Jesse replied, not willing to admit that he really was nervous. 

Rae then handed both kids little bags to them. 

"What's this?" Jesse asked. 

"A little present from Randolph and me" Rae said. 

The two kids opened their bags, revealing the gifts to be their very own trainer whistles.

"Cool" Jesse placed his whistle over his neck. 

"Thanks, Rae" Kali smiled to Rae, while putting her whistle over her neck.

"You're welcome" She smiled back at them before leaving. "See you"

The two kids soon heard the intercom make an announcement as they made their way out of the locker room and up to the stage. 

"And now... we proudly present the Willy Show!" 

"Go get'em!" Randolph told the kids as they passed by him. 

Kali hands and legs were tingly all of a sudden, feeling a bit nervous and astonished. She thought to herself, 'could this really be happening?' The tomboy took in a deep breath as she stood next to Jesse, ready to walk out on stage. 

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Rae came out on stage, holding a microphone. "Presenting the superstar orca of Northwest Adventure Park... let's hear it for Willy!"

Randolph soon opened the gate from the med pool to let Willy swim out into the main tank. The audience roared with applause while Kali and Jesse walked out on stage.

Dial whispered to Wade. "This could be big. This could be big"

"And these are Willy's friends, Jesse and Kali everybody" Rae introduced. 

Jesse and Kali waved to the crowd while they applauded again. 

"Jesse, Kali, and Willy have a special show for you" Rae told the crowd before whispering in the kids ears. "Get'em" 

What no one didn't seem to know, was that Willy seemed antagonized by the children banging constantly on his underwater observation window down below.

It was taking the hostile orca a little while to come on up and over to the kids. 

"He's not into this" Jesse turned to Rae. 

"Something's wrong" Kali added, seeming to sense Willy's stress.  

"Try something simple. I'll talk" Rae whispered to them before speaking in the microphone to the audience. "Willy is a twelve-year-old orca. He is 22 feet long and weighs in at over 3.5 tons" 

Kali and Jesse both splashed at the surface of the water lightly to get Willy's attention, when he finally came up to them.

"Come here, buddy" Kali gently told Willy, doing her best to soothe him. 

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