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harry's pov

i never liked hospitals. they just weren't my thing.

i never liked to be surrounded by others who were hurt or injured.

hospitals gave off a bad vibe to me and sure as hell, i hated it.

i walked through the foreign halls, attempting to find a washroom.

i faced long, white hallways with no trace of a washroom anywhere. i even tried to find another human being. no luck whatsoever.

i suddenly heard a scream. bloodcurdling, really. it scared the shit out of me. literally. no joke, i nearly shit my pants.

i turned a corner and i saw several doctors and nurses rushing around a patient. they were all talking to someone in a room while the patient, a girl, was lying on a stretcher, outside the room.

maybe they can help me find the washroom.

i walked over closer. the girl has bruises, scars and scraps all along her body. her long light brown hair cascaded down her face, which had an oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. then i saw what she was wearing. she wore a ripped sweatshirt that had the One Direction logo on it.

our logo.

she liked us.

and i'm standing right in front of her.

"sir? how can i help you?" i heard a voice say. i turned around to see a brown skinned man standing with another guy. the other guy has blonde hair, blue eyes, and looked about 18. he wore a red rolling stones t shirt with black jeans and black converse. his hair was messed up in all different ways. he had tears in his eyes as he looked at the girl standing in front of us.

he must be her brother. the resemblence is uncanny.

startled, i answered, "huh?" i paused, remembering why i'm here. "oh! i'm looking for the toilet."

the blonde haired boy stared at me, realizing that, yes, the real harry styles was standing in front of him.

a foolish grin easily spread across my face, my unspoken way of saying hi.

he smiled back at me, more of a sad smile though.

"it's right down the hall, over there." the nurse said, pointing toward the direction i came from.

"oh god. i'm an idiot." i said laughing and face palming myself. the nurse and blonde kid laughed.

the nurse walked away, to do something else, leaving me and the blonde kid alone.

"how rude of me." i said. the blonde kid had a confused look on his face. i stuck out my hand, for him to shake.

"harold edward styles. pleasure to meet you." i smiled, "harry, please."

"lucas robert hemmings." he greeted me with a strong austrailian accent. he shook my hand with a firm but comforting grip. "call me luke."

i looked back down at the girl, lying on the stretcher.

"is the your sister?" i questioned blankly.

luke lifted his eyebrows and tried to lighten the mood with a sad smile. he nodded his head in response.

there was a defening silence between the two of us for a bit.

"luke!!" i heard another austrailian voice yell down the hall. the voice was a bit higher pitched than luke's voice.

we both turned our heads to the noise that brought us back to real life.

in the distance, i saw 3 boys. one of them was talking to a doctor, one was supposedly looking for luke, but was just flailing his arms like a bird, and the last one was running towards us.

the one running towards us had dark brown hair, styled in a quiff, tan skin and he was wearing a shirt with his sleeves cut off and holes in the shirt, labeled with nirvana on it.

the one flailing his arms around wore a long sleeve grey shirt with his hands clutching on to the cuffs of the shirt, only his fingers showed. he had black hair with red highlights in his hair. he was noticeably pale and a bit dorky, but a cute kind of dorky.

the last guy who was talking to a doctor and is now running with the other 2 guys. he was a bit shorter than the last two. he had messed up dirty blonde hair, in slight curls. he had glasses on and he had bracelets covering both wrists. he wore a dark blue t shirt.

when i turned my head to face luke again, the dark brown haired guy was already hugging him. soon, all 4 boys were hugging each other. they seemed to be having a good cry session, so i let them be.

i turned on my heel and walked back in the direction i came, hoping to find my way back so i could get my vaccinations done and over with.

luke's pov

i've always felt safe in the arms of my best friends. they will always be my safe spot. whenever i need them, they are always right there for me and i'm so grateful to have friends like that.

calum was the first one to to see me and come running to me. his small muscular arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tightly.

soon, michael and ashton joined us in a big group hug. i just let out every bit of sadness that was in me. my best friends just stood there hugging me.

after a long hug of sobs and comfort, we let go of each other.

"luke, do you have any idea why this happened?" ashton asked sadly.

i shook my head.

i started to wipe away my tears as i said, "hey guys, i forgot to tell you. i want you to meet someone."

happy yet puzzled faces looked at me as i turn to talk to harry.

but he was gone.

what? how was that possible?!

"what? where'd he go?" i sputtered.

"where'd who go?" calum questioned.

"harry styles! he was right here!" i said confused. i looked around, trying to find him.

i turned back to see ashton, michael, and calum all dumbfounded.

"luke are you okay?" ash asked politely.

"yes. yes i'm fine. but i could of sworn the harry styles was right here!" i declared.

"luke. why would harry styles be in sydney australia?" mikey questioned me as if i was on law and order.

"ugh whatever." i turned back to mandy.

i held her hand, hoping i could see her smiling face again.

"luke. if you saw harry styles, we'll believe you." i heard ashton say as he put his arm around me, attempting to comfort me.

"you're going to be okay. we're here for you." calum said sincerly.


luke met harry?!! 


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love ya all 

- court  

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