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Jungkook wanted to completely melt when the boy spoke the one simple word, "gray."

"-but if you think this view is beautiful now, you should see it at sunset- at around eight-thirty, that's when it is the most lovely."

The guard interrupted Jungkook's swooning to express his opinion on the said view. The younger listened, understanding his statement to be an arranged meet up at the specified time tonight, at this same view.


It was dinner time in Jungkook's humble abode. The two siblings sat down to eat the grilled chicken and vegetables the older had cooked. It was rather quiet due to Jungkook's deep thoughts. He was conflicted with a difficult decision of whether or not he should sneak down to the sunny coast to meet the guard. His inner conscience told himself it wouldn't be such a great idea, but he didn't know how often this opportunity would come- he needed to take it. After a few moments of back and forth fighting with himself, he decided to go. 

"I actually think I left something at Jimin's, can I run by and pick it up?"

Jungkook asked, feeling that he had come up with a reasonable excuse. 

"Sure, just be back before curfew."

Junghyun lightly scolded, not suspecting a thing. The younger nodded in reply before grabbing a jacket and heading out. 

Jungkook made sure to walk on the sidewalks with caution. He was very aware of the "regulators." The regulators stalk the neighborhoods, especially at night, in attempts to catch kids sneaking out of their homes past curfew. And soon enough Jungkook was stopped in his path for an identity check. 

"You're not out here trying to start trouble, are you?"

One of the tall, more intimidating men asked.

"No, sir- just walking home from a friend's house."

Jungkook replied, smoothly breezing through another lie. The regulator nodded as he took the latter's ID out of the "Secure Validation System," and handed it back to the boy. 

"Alright, just be careful, you wouldn't want to get into any trouble."


Jungkook found the regulator's warning to be quite odd, but he dismissed it and strolled away quickly so he could make it to the sunset at eight-thirty sharp. 

The rest of the trip was a breeze for Jungkook, and he approached his destination fairly quick. When he spotted the familiar view, he trodded toward it in hopes he would see the same boy he was somewhat aquainted with. 

But then all his hopes flew out the window when he didn't see anyone standing in front of the incredible sunset. 


ok i know this chap is short and boring but its how it goes 

except i also took longer to update thats a fault on my part i apologize (but yanno its not the longest ive waited to update just sayin) ok no but im actually sorry

but lemme tell you this next chap is abt to be lit so itll make up for this one lol

i will send you a farewell now, have a gr8 day my friends

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