chapter 15

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"She doesn't have much longer.." He cries. The hopeless sadness burrowing into my chest and stabbing me in my heart. I sob. why does everything go wrong.

"No. Please, you have to be joking." I say between tears. Andrew Swoops in and hugs me. why is all this happening at once? Toms body caves in into sobs. He's losing his love of his life. I let go of Andrew and hug Tom untill his tears slowed.

"How did you guys get here this quick." He sighs. Wiping his face of leftover tears. I stood there for a second, contemplating telling the truth.

"We uhm took your bike." I bite my lower lip. He shrugs.

"Just be careful." He whispers. "You can go if you'd like." He mutters walking back into Susans room.

"Is Angel here?" I hear in a groggy womans voice from the dark room.

"Yes, Susey." I was shocked when I heard her favorite nickname. It didn't even sound like her. We walk in and she smiles meekly. Her eyes have grown old and tired, not the childlike ones I saw not even a month ago. Her feeble hands invite me to an awkwardly positioned hug due to the short bed.

"I'm guessing you've heard the news..." She smiles a sad smile as a tear slides down her cheek. "They can't repair this old heart." She whispers pointing to her chest. Her eyes droop from tiredness. My eyes overflow with tears splattering onto the front of my shirt. She dozes off. My heart shatters into a million peices. Tom stands up and hugs me and we part. Andrew and I slowly walk to the bike and we get on. The air whips around us as we drive in the light cast from the sun pushing through the clouds and every now and then a drop of rain hits my face with a soft thud. Andrew clings to my back quietly as we drive on. When we finally reach his house we climb off head to his room and curl up in bed.

"Everything is going to be okay Angel." Andrew says kissing my lips softly. We kiss repetitivally the touch of his lips sooths the pain away. We lay there and cuddle untill I feel the unconscious coma take over.

~Andrew's pov~

Angel lays resting on my right arm her light features casting a shadow from the glow of the TV. She's going through so much. She doesn't deserve this, I frown to myself. "I love you." She murmers in her sleep. I honestly can't tell if she's talking in her sleep.

"I love you too." I whisper and kiss her forehead. Pictures flicker on the TV screan. I turn it up so I can actually make out what people are saying. The time ticks slowly naturally. For some reason the room feels darker, like when someone dims their phone. The wind blows outside causing the branches of the tree outside to peck at my window sending chills down my spine. My phone rings with no caller ID. "Hello?" I murmer into the reseaver.

"Oh my god there's so much blood!" i hear screamed into the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked woriedly, and I look down. Angels gone?! "Who is this I sware to god." I asked my voice rasing octaves.

"I didn't mean to, I Didn't mean to!" The words penitrate my brain.

"What the hell is going on." I found her in the street. I must've hit her! I had a few shots I thought it was okay to drive!" The woman sobs.

"Hit who!?" I worry about my missing girlfriend. Where is she?

"I...I...I don't know." the woman shrieks.

"Where are you?" I yell into the reseaver and pull on my shoes.

"Corner of fith avanue." Her distraught voice pleading for help. I run down the street to see a woman bent down over a lump in the road. Her car not four feet behind her with lights still burning bright. I walk cautiously to the lump. It was Angel. I collapse beside the woman and pull my lover's limp body into my arms and cry. Just cry.

~Angel's pov"

"Andrew!? Andrew" I poke him trying to wake his sweating shaking body. I poke him several times until finally his eyes flutter open. His eyes laced with tears and happyness.

"Oh my god thank god!" He shouts. He raps me in a bear hug.

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