Chapter 17

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~Angel's pov~

I walk towards my house as I slowly read Romeo and Juliet for an assignent in class.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite."

It's my favorite quote, in the balcony scene where they confess their love to one another, I shiver at the thought of romance but at the same time it makes me happy. Everyone knows what happens in the end of the story, but why not enjoy the happyness of the moment. I sigh and doggy ear the corner of the page, I really hate doing that but it's just a habbit. My phone rings displaying Tom's number. "Hello?" My voice hitches in my throat.

"Hello, Angel?" A mans voice, whos' volume is grave, and obviously not Tom's.

"Yes.." I sqeak into the reseaver.

"We have some utterly bad news." His voice pleading and apologetic. "You're aunt has passed on. I'm so sorry for your loss. It also seems your mother is here..." I click end on the phone. I sit down on the floor numbly. Why is she here? No, no, no! this can't be happening. How did this happen? Why. How. What's going to happen to Tom. He just lost his wife. I run outside and grab the motercycle. I kickstart it hard with a jolt the moter starts and the bike is suddenly alive. I spit dirt from the lawn when I hit the gas. I speed down the road to the hospital. No, this can't be real. This is a joke it has to be! I pass andrews house when I see him look out his window. Did he recognize me? Tears flee my eyes and drops of rain burn my face. What did we do to deserve this.

~Andrews pov~

I look out my window to see angel ridig the bike down the road. Oh no, what has happened. I pull out my phone to text her but I stop myself, she can't text one a bike, well safely that is. I run outside and grab my skateboard and start towards the hospital, I really hope nothing has happened. Maybe Tom just wanted her to come. MAybe she's not even at the hospital. My subcontiouse screams at me wondering why she didnt say anything to me.

Finally I scate up the road that leads to the hospital. Wow, this is a long distance to skateboard. I run into the loby and head straight for the elivater hitting button several times as if the seconds were killing me. The door swings open and a woman smashes into me.

"What the fuck! Watch out." She shrieks. She looks odly familiar, sorta like angel.

"Sorry," She starts to walk off. "Wait! Do you happen to know a girl named Angel? You look alot like her" I mutter, and stand back up as she eyes me.

"I have a daughter named Angel." She whispers and walks off. I run back for the elivator and climb in sending myself up to the third floor. I run up to room 305 and bust through the door breathlessly. Angel is hugging Tom next to the empty bed where Susan used to lay. My heart breaks. No body deserves this.

~Angel's pov~

I push through the doors quietly to reveal Tom crying with his head on the hand of Susan. She looks as if she is sleeping. She can't be dead.. She's right here. I feel a tear run down the path of an older tear. My limbs shake. I am in the presence of a dead body, No, she cant be dead. My wits play against one another, but down deep inside they both know the truth. Where is my mother? I hug tom limply by the shoulders, my body still quakes. I hear the door creek open and then a gasp. Oh, no. I turn around to see my mother. She looks pale, she's lost weight in her face, and has dark circles under her eyes.

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