chapter 4

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My classes went relatively fast up until now. Mr. Fallon was giving a lecture to some of the rowdier kids in the class. Suddenly the door swings open and Andrew walks in, chest heaving and red faced. Naturally the whole class get silent and stares. "You're late."

"Yeah um, there was a problem with my schedule so..." He mumbles looking around the class smirking when he stopped on me.

"Well, find a seat." Fallon waves his hand then carries on with his lecture. Of course, the only one open was beside me.

"So, we meet again." Andrew whispers as he sits down beside me and winks.

"Looks like it." I sigh and role my eyes.

"Why are you such a downer?" He mumbles some weird form of hurt in his eyes.

"I don't know anything about you. You are probable just screwing with my head." I mumble feeling stupid as I play with the bracelets covering my arms. His eye's flicker down to the bracelets, with an odd look of worry.

He passes me a note saying "I'm Andrew, I love rock, I find you beautiful and unique. I'm 16. I wish to learn more about you ... What's up with the bracelets? ..."

"After school you want to hang out? We can talk then ... Nothing's up with the bracelets. I simply like them." I write messily.

"Sounds great! Okay just wondering."

"You can sit with me on the bus if you like." I wrote just as bell rings. I hand him the note as we gather our belongings and walk out of math class. I get up as a ping in my stomach tells me I won't know if he will or not until the bus ride home.

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