Chapter 12

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~Andrew's pov~

I plop down in the seat beside Angel, as usual. "Hey." I say nervously.

"You miss her don't you?" She whispers. her voice getting caught in her throat. She did see. Shit i knew I'd fuck things up. My heart sinks when she turns to face me. Her eyes lined with tears, the heartache in them drills into my heart.

"No!" I shriek. "She busted out crying and hugged me by force." My heart drops to my stomach and my eyes feel glassy.

"Promise.." She closes her eyes and sniffs.

"I promise." I pull her into a hug. We ride the bus in silence I know somethings wrong but I feel too awkward to ask. The bus finally comes to a stop. I walk her to her house and give her a kiss and walk back towards my house. The lonely air wips around me. I hope she's okay. My mind wanders to the rythm of Three Cheers For Five Years by Mayday Parade steadily blaring through my head phones.

"For heavens sake I know you're sorry, but you won't stop crying. This aniversery may never be the same, Inside i hope you know I'm dying." The lyrics bring a tear to my eye. Fallen leaves wirl around me. My steps feel like their way taller then they are. I feel so small, in such a large world. I push through my door and walk into my kitchen. The old bottle of vadka I'm not really sure where I accumulated such an item. I turn the cap and open it. The strong oder comeing from the top of the bottle like in the old cartoons. I take a drink of the rubbing alcohol tasting drink straight from the bottle. After a while the taste goes away and it just tastes like water. Eventually I'm dancing around along with "Homesick" the A Day To Remember album. My phone goes off.

"Sorry about earlier." Comes across the screen. I can't really focus to keep my numbing fingers on the right letters so I lay my phone down because I'm to the point I couldnt read who its from. I giggle to myself when i realize my face is flat on the ground. How did I even get here? How much have I drank? I reach over to my bottle and take the last swig. This made me gag. It came burning out my nose. The putrid smell burns my eyes. Everything finally goes black. Right after i feel my phone buzz for the last time.

~Angel's pov~

"I'm going to come by tonight if thats okay." I text Andrew.

"Ugh why isnt he answering?" I mutter to myself In the fading light. Tom still with Susan in the hospital. She gets better then gets worse.. I grab my bag and walk down the street to Andrew's house. I have the extra key so I unlock the door and walk in and he's laying in the middle of the floor in his own vomit. The faint oder of alcohol floats in the air. I hate alcohaulism. Mom was for years. It never went well. I sigh and put down my bag. I start to clean him up. I some how manage to pull him up on the couch after pulling off his shirt. After what seems like forever of trying to get him conscious I give up and leave him on the couch to sleep. I sit around in his kitchen to tired to sleep. I deside to go back home.

"Andrew, sorry for leaving I honestly don't like the smell of alcohaul. I put you on the couch, it has to be better then the floor. Ha. I'll talk to you whenever. Text me when you wake up, Angel." I scribble across a small piece of paper. I walk home and crawl into my bed. My wrists burn and my veins press up on my skin. Just one can't hurt. I pull out a drawr and pull out a little bag of blades. I pull out one and stare at it for a while. Not realy think, nor caring. I slide it across my skin leaving a trail of serfacing blood behind it. I do another, and another. The blood pooling on my arm shines in the light. "I'm sorry." I whisper as my eyes finally slide closed.


sorry for the short chapter my computer's not working right so I'm having to use my ipod.


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