chapter 18

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~Andrew's pov~

All four of us sit in the lobby in a basic semi-circle. We all sorta look at the floor or the wall not wanting to see each others eyes. The silence Is sickening. "Angel?" her mother speaks, I don't like her as well after our last encounter. Angel solemnly looks up at her mother.

"What." Her voice is horse from crying dragging out a quiet sob from her throat.

"Do you want to move back in with me?" My heart sinks. No, she can't leave I need her! She just sts there looking at her mom with dead eyes. My perfect angel can not leave. I have no one left in this world.

"No." She mutters through tightly clenched teeth showing her true emotions towards her mother. Angel Gets up and leaves, and I chase after her.

~Angel's pov~

I get up and walk out of the room. Ugh. What does she fucking want. To make my life an emotional roller-coaster?! I walk through the hallway of the hospital. I hate these places. They give me the shivers. Ha. Maybe a fucking serial killer from those movies that are "oh so fucking scary" will smite me down in some bloody gruesome way, and I'll just run and scream defencelessly like the girls in those movies. Obviously their lead to their doom by the slow walking murderer that always, always catches the person. I feel a presence behind me triggered by tap of feet. Great. Don't tell me shes following me. I spin around like a cat when a dogs chasing it. Eyes on the prowl ready to tell off my pursuer. "What do you want." I breath sternly as if I had breathed toxins out of my soul clear through my words.

"I, um, uh." Andrews face registers to my mind. I automatically notice the hurt in his eyes.

"sorry." I mutter. I slide down the corner of the wall, Letting the wall guide me to the ground where I sit with my knees drawn to my chest so tight it starts to cut of circulation.

"Babe, I.." He pauses. His mouth presses into a hard line. "It'll be okay." He finally says after the short awkward pause between us. This is the first time I've felt like a stranger in his presence. I hate it. He walks over and sits in front of me looking into my eyes. "It'll be okay, hon. It'll get better eventually." I can't help but think otherwise. "You can make it, you're strong. If you leave, I'll be here alone, but I want you to do what's best for you, love." His voice cracks. I can almost feel his lump in his throat. Or maybe it is my own swelling up.

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