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I awoke to the sound of birds singing and the morning sunlight bathing my face from where it shone through the gap in the curtains. For a moment I thought I was home. It only lasted a second though and then I remembered what happened last night. I bolted upright and stared down at my flat stomach expecting to see all blood and gore. But there was nothing. Not a spot of blood lay on my golden skin. I was confused. Where did the blood and cuts go? I would've thought it was just a bad dream if it wasn't for my torn and blood soaked clothes. My white shorts were now a deep crimson and it was the same story for my tank top except it have multiple slashes and it was split in the middle. My bra had some evidence of what had happened but not much. Did someone clean me up?

A man was carrying me. What was his name again? Finn. Finn was carrying me back to my room. Then it all went black.

Did he clean me up? I blushed at the thought of him touching me everywhere. And where did my cuts go? He didn't...? Did he? Oh my God. I started to feel nauseas. A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. A moment later the man of my thoughts walked in.

I could now get a better look at my saviour. He had dark brown hair that bordered on black that also graced his jaw in the form of stubble. He had caramel eyes with green flecks that hold so much pain. He also had the same tanned skin that Elijah and Kol have. He wore dark blue jeans with a green v-neck.

He cleared his throat bringing my attention to his face. "I see you're feeling better." I blushed remembering my state of undress. He noticed and attempted to lessen my embarrassment by turning his head away from me. "I didn't think it was my place to change your clothes." He then stuck his arm towards me handing me a white fluffy dressing gown that I didn't notice before.

"Thank you," I mumbled quietly. The dressing gown felt like clouds against my skin. "Did you... feed me your blood last night?" I stuttered slightly. I felt very uncomfortable as he moved his gaze back on me.

"Yes, I apologise that I didn't ask your permission but you were in very bad shape and your pulse was extremely low," he paused, "and I was afraid you'd die." He looked down at his feet as he finished his sentence. I could see that he felt uncomfortable and was genuinely sorry for what he did even though he saved my life.

"It's fine, I actual want to thank you," his head shot up at that, "you saved me you deserve my thanks." He nodded slowly at that, taking my words in. "What do you want anyway?" I attempted to ask without sounding too offensive.

He seemed to hesitate a moment, "uh, I was wondering if you'd join me for breakfast?" He looked anxious and was avoiding my gaze.

"Yes I would, I just need to get decent first." He turned his back to me at that, preparing for me to get undressed. I suddenly realised I had no clothes. "Um... I have no clothes."

"The double doors lead to a closet and there should be clothes that fit your liking." He said still with his back to me.

"Thank you." I opened the white doors to find a walk in closet filled with dresses of every colour, material and style. In the back there were tops and shirts and all sorts of trousers and shorts. They all seemed to be in my size and it creeped me out immensely. How long had they been planning this? It made me feel nauseous. I decided on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black Nirvana t-shirt. I changed quickly and walked back out. As I came out Finn turned obviously hearing me coming. He looked me up and down and I noticed the corner of his mouth twitch slightly. "Shall we go?"

He nodded and opened the door. He led me down the stairs and into a grand dining room with three large bay windows and a grand chandelier hanging from the centre of the ceiling. In the centre there was one those overly long dining tables. And sitting at it were the four beings that I disliked most. Klaus sat at the head of the table and when he noticed me he grinned and stood up. That brought the rest of the sibling's attention towards me. Kol smirked, Rebekah scowled and Elijah stayed emotionless as always. I felt Finn stiffen slightly next to me and Klaus approached.

"Elena! I trust you slept well," I saw some unknown emotion flash in his eyes. He grabbed my shoulders, causing me to flinch.

"Actually I did, thanks to Finn." I turned my head towards him, noticing that he had a slight smile on his face. Klaus dropped his hands from my shoulders and to his sides. "He took great care of me," I smirked as I saw Klaus' smile falter slightly at that. Kol's smirk grew, Elijah looked slightly angry and Rebekah's attention was on her food seemingly uncaring of the conversation occurring in front of her.

"I bet he did," Elijah said under his breath, causing everyone's head to snap towards him. Finn was glaring at him and I was confused. What did he mean by that? And why did he sound jealous. I shook my head slightly, annoyed at my thoughts. Elijah was now my enemy. He didn't stop Klaus and he didn't care about my situation. In fact he seemed to like that I was now trapped here.

Kol's voice broke the silence that followed Elijah's unexpected outburst, "ah brother don't sound so upset. Finn was just doing what you didn't. How do you feel this morning sweetheart?" I shivered at the pet name and he must have noticed because he winked at me.

"Well considering just last night I was cut to the point of death and I'm stuck in a horror mansion with a dysfunctional family of homicidal vampires I'm great," I spoke with hate and venom in my voice. Al the siblings seemed to tense at what I'd just called them and I looked into Klaus' eyes which had darkened slightly. He was livid. I reversed slightly and Finn grabbed my hand, sensing my fear. He pulled me towards him away from his angry half-brother.

Finn spoke noticing how Klaus was staring at me, "Niklaus leave the poor girl alone. You can't expect her to just accept what has happened to her in just the past 24 hours." Klaus snapped his head towards Finn ready to start a fight but suddenly changed his mind somehow, understanding what Finn had just said.

"Of course brother, I wouldn't hurt her after last night, that'd be a bit excessive," Klaus turned his attention to me, "so Elena would you like something to eat." He made me feel uneasy at the word 'eat' because he looked me up and down taking in my appearance, sizing me up to do just that.

I nodded and Finn took me to sit on the seat next to him before Klaus could grab my other hand. Klaus looked angry at that as he glared at us before moving to sit in his own seat. Almost instantly a tray of food, two pots and a mug, and a jug of what looked like orange juice with a glass was put in front of me. I noticed Finn had an extra jug and glass that looked like blood. I gagged slightly at the sight of it. On a plate in the centre there was scrambled egg, toast, black pudding (ew), fried tomatoes and mushrooms, sausages, and bacon. There was also a small bowl of fruit. In one of the pots there was coffee and the other there was tea. I decided to just eat the toast, tomatoes and the fruit and drank the glass of orange juice.

I went to stand up but Klaus' voice stopped me. "I need to talk to you Elena before you go running off to your room." I turned my attention to him and Finn stiffened beside me and grabbed my hand, turning to look at his brother and he held my hand reassuringly. I trusted Finn.

"Why do you wish to talk to her brother?" Finn asked suspicious of his brother's intentions.

"Well I guess she wants to know exactly why she's here. Why do you care brother?" Klaus asked smirking.

"I was going to give her a tour of the house is all," Finn shrugged and squeezed my hand slightly.

"Okay well you can have her back once I'm done with her. If you'd like to follow me doppelganger." I wish he'd stop calling me that. He got up and waited for me. I walked towards him and he held out his hand towards me. When I didn't take it he sighed and snatched my hand in an iron strong grip. I gasped at the pain that it brought forth. I heard a chair drop behind me and Klaus looked towards the source of the noise and smirked. I guessed it was Finn. But then instead of his voice I heard someone I didn't expect to hear at all.

"Nik leave the girl alone," the voice growled. It was Kol. What the hell?! Did all the men in this family somehow go nice overnight? Well except for Klaus of course. He'd always be a dick. After what seemed like hours of silence, but what literally would've only been about a minute Klaus loosed his grip slightly and began walking out of the room, literally dragging me behind him. He dragged me back up the stairs and into a room that had multiple paintings scattered around the dark room, a desk and a bed. This must be the object of my hatreds room.

"So Elena..."


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