Time for a Little Confrontation

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Finn's POV

I awoke very early in the morning as I always did and stood by my large window. I enjoyed watching the sun rise, it reminded me of my human days when I'd wake up early in order to go hunting with father and Elijah, and Niklaus even. Kol had been too young to join us then and Henrik had only been a small child. Mother and Rebekah would stay home with them, although Henrik hadn't been gifted with magic he still enjoyed watching the other practice. We would hunt and then father and Niklaus would return to the family home, Elijah would return to his own home, which he'd built himself, not wishing to be around father more than he had to. I would return to my home that I lived in with Sage and our daughter Emily. She had passed away in her first winter and Sage had been expecting again but lost our unborn child.

When I was turned I was full of bloodlust but I knew I wanted to be with Sage forever and so I changed her. My siblings had informed me that she was still in existence and that she was having relations with the elder of the Salvatore brothers at the moment. I wasn't angry, just hurt but I understood. I had been gone for nine hundred years. I couldn't expect her to save herself for me, I knew the raw sexual lust that came with vampirism, but I couldn't help the pain that gripped my heart when my brothers had told me that she had slept with both Kol and Niklaus. My brothers. I wanted to find her, to make up for lost time. I put on a pair of dark blue... what was it that Rebekah called them? Ahh yes jeans. And a white shirt. This was the casual attire these days, I certainly wasn't happy to have to cut my hair but Rebekah had insisted. I wasn't prepared for modern times and it came as a big shock, I still wasn't accustomed to it nor did I ever think I would be.

My plans for the day consisted of searching for my lost bride and to show her how much I missed her. But something made me rethink my decision. A particular doe-eyed brunette. Her appearance was truly mesmerising, I hadn't felt anything for her ancestor Tatia, I had barely even took notice of her, but Elena was different her skin was more green undertoned, her eyes were a darker shade of brown and her hair lighter. Her personality was truly admirable, so compassionate yet stubborn. Her heart belonged to anyone she deemed worthy. I wished to be her friend, did I not? Or did I want something more? I shook my head at the thought, I was going to see my wife today, the love of my life. It's just because I cared for this girl and wished to protect her. My feelings are nothing but paternal, I decided to bid her farewell before I left. I knew I'd be back, if anything to protect her from the horrors that my family would no doubt commit against her, but I was unsure when.

I walked to her room but the sight that greeted me made my heart clench. In her bed lay the girl that confused my thought cuddled up to Kol. I felt anger and jealousy crawl from inside the mental box that I tried my best to keep shut. I shot off, unable to watch anymore, never so thankful for my vampire abilities. I allowed all my emotions to be put into running in the direction of the Salvatore house that Rebekah had showed me when she had given me a tour of Mystic Falls.

When I reached the entrance to their property I straightened myself up. I didn't wish for violence to come out of this so I'd do everything I could to avoid it. Once I was satisfied I looked presentable I knocked twice on the door and waited for my presence to be acknowledged. I stepped back slightly as I heard footsteps approaching. The door swung open to reveal Damon Salvatore, just who I wished to see.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "What the fuck do you want...what's your name again?" He asked a scowl on his face.

"Finn Mikaelson. As for your other inquiry I have been informed that you know my wife, Sage?" I spoke politely but with a slight accusatory tone at the end, asking more than saying.

He appeared confused when I had used the word wife but it quickly turned into a knowing smirk, "Ah yes I know Sage, very well, if you know what I mean," he winked causing a growl to escape my throat, I hadn't meant to fight but if that's what he wished for then so be it, I stepped forward and his smirk slipped from his face and he put his hands up in faux surrender. "What do you want to know?"

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